WSGI middleware for shipping logs to cloud services. Currenly Loggly is supported, loggr will be supported in the near future.
pip install kumo
Usage for shipping request logs to Loggly
from bottle import route, run, template, install
from kumo.loggly import Loggly
import bottle
app =
loggly_token = '37ae0051-c548-497e-9035-31ff2ef41857'
myapp = Loggly(app, loggly_token)
def index(name='World'):
return template('<b>Hello {{name}}</b>!', name=name)
def index():
return "Ya douchbag!"
run(app=myapp,host='localhost', port=8080)
Logged informaiton
The following information will be sent to loggly:
- Username (Remote_user or beaker session if available)
- Remote addr
- Request_method
- Full_url
- Response status
- Response length
- Response time
- User agent
- Query string
- Path