
high-level python toolkit for ordered key/value stores

pip install kvkit==0.1.2



High-level Python toolkit for ordered key/value stores.


Right now KyotoCabinet is the most well-supported database, but the SQLite4 LSM is also pretty robust. The other databases implement the minimal slicing APIs to enable the Model/Secondary Indexing APIs to work.

This project should be considered experimental.


  • Store structured data models.
  • Secondary indexes and arbitrarily complex querying.
  • Graph database (Hexastore) with search pipeline.
  • High-level slicing APIs.


kvkit provides a lightweight structured data model API. Individual fields on the model can be optionally typed, and also support secondary indexes.

Field types:

  • Field(): simplest field type, treated as raw bytes.
  • DateTimeField(): store Python datetime objects.
  • DateField(): store Python date objects.
  • LongField(): store Python int and long. Values are encoded as an 8 byte long long, big-endian.
  • FloatField(): store Python float. Values are encoded as an 8 byte double-precision float, big-endian.

A Model is composed of one or more fields, in addition to a required id field which stores an automatically-generated integer ID.

Model classes are defined declaratively, a-la many popular Python ORMs:

# KyotoCabinet on-disk B-tree.
db = TreeDB('address_book.kct')

# Create a base model-class pointing at our db.
class BaseModel(Model):
    class Meta:
        database = db

class Contact(BaseModel):
    last_name = Field(index=True)
    first_name = Field(index=True)

class PhoneNumber(BaseModel):
    contact_id = LongField(index=True)
    phone_number = Field()

    def get_contact(self):
        return Contact.load(self.contact_id)

class Address(BaseModel):
    contact_id = LongField(index=True)
    street = Field()
    city = Field(index=True)
    state = Field(index=True)
    postal_code = Field()

    def get_contact(self):
        return Contact.load(self.contact_id)

To create a new contact and add a phone number for them, we might write:

huey = Contact.create(
    dob=datetime.date(2011, 5, 1))

phone = PhoneNumber.create(

Let's say we need to look up Huey's phone number(s). We might write:

huey = Contact.get(Contact.first_name == 'Huey')
phones = PhoneNumber.query(PhoneNumber.contact_id == huey.id)
for phone in phones:
    print phone.phone_number

If there were more than one person named "Huey" in our database, we could be more specific by specifying additional query clauses:

huey_leifer = Contact.get(
    (Contact.first_name == 'Huey') &
    (Contact.last_name == 'Leifer'))

To query all contacts whose last name begins with "Le" we could write:


If we wanted to express a range, such as "Le" -> "Mo", we could write:

    (Contact.last_name >= 'Le') &
    (Contact.last_name <= 'Mo'))

Fields can be queried using the following operations:

  • == for equality
  • < and <=
  • > and >=
  • != for inequality
  • .startswith() for prefix search

Multiple clauses can be combined using set operations:

  • & for AND (intersection)
  • | for OR (union)

Graph database (Hexastore)

The graph database is based on an idea described in the Redis secondary indexing documentation. The idea is that the database will store triples of subject, predicate and object. These can be any application-specific values. For example, I might want to store my friends and some information about them:

db = CacheTreeDB()  # KyotoCabinet in-memory B-tree
graph = Hexastore(db)

data = (
    ('charlie', 'friends', 'huey'),
    ('charlie', 'friends', 'mickey'),
    ('charlie', 'friends', 'zaizee'),
    ('huey', 'friends', 'charlie'),
    ('huey', 'friends', 'zaizee'),
    ('zaizee', 'friends', 'huey'),
    ('charlie', 'lives', 'KS'),
    ('huey', 'lives', 'KS'),
    ('mickey', 'lives', 'KS'),
    ('zaizee', 'lives', 'MO'),

To do a simple query asking who my friends are, I can write:

for result in graph.query(s='charlie', p='friends'):
    print result['o']

# prints huey, mickey, zaizee

I can also ask for other things, like all the people who live in Kansas:

for result in graph.query(p='lives', o='KS'):
    print result['s']

# prints charlie, huey, mickey

Things get especially interesting when you construct a pipeline using variables. Let's get all of my friends who live in Kansas:

X = graph.v.X  # Create a variable reference.
results = graph.search(
    ('charlie', 'friends', X),
    (X, 'lives', 'KS'))
print results['X']

# prints set(['huey', 'mickey'])

In this query, we will use two variables, and answer the question "Who has friends who live in Missouri?"

X = graph.v.X
Y = graph.v.Y
results = graph.search(
    (X, 'lives', 'MO'),
    (Y, 'friends', X))
print results['Y']

# prints set(['charlie', 'huey'])
# charlie and huey are friends with zaizee, who lives in MO.

Unified Slicing API

kvkit provides unified indexing and slicing APIs. Slices obey the following rules:

  • Inclusive of both endpoints.
  • If the start key does not exist, the next-highest key will be used, if one exists.
  • If the end key does not exist, the next-lowest key will be used, if one exists.
  • Supports efficient iteration forwards or backwards.
>>> from kvkit import CacheTreeDB  # KyotoCabinet in-memory B-tree
>>> db = CacheTreeDB()

>>> # Populate some data.
>>> for key in ['aa', 'aa1', 'aa2', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd', 'ee']:
...     db[key] = key

>>> list(db['aa':'cc'])
[('aa', 'aa'), ('aa1', 'aa1'), ('aa2', 'aa2'), ('bb', 'bb'), ('cc', 'cc')]

>>> list(db['aa0':'cc2'])  # Example where start & end do not exist.
[('aa1', 'aa1'), ('aa2', 'aa2'), ('bb', 'bb'), ('cc', 'cc')]

In addition to slicing, all databases implement the following dictionary-like methods:

  • update()
  • keys()
  • values()
  • items()
  • __setitem__ and __delitem__
  • __iter__

All databases also implement:

  • incr()
  • decr()
  • open()
  • close()


kvkit can be installed from PyPI:

$ pip install kvkit