Polygonal mesh library developed at Body Labs

3d, geometry, mesh
pip install lace==2.1.5



version python versions version build status

Polygonal mesh library developed at Body Labs.

The library is under active maintenance, and the goals are compatible with that:

  • Keep the library working in current versions of Python and other tools.
  • Make bug fixes.
  • Provide API stability and backward compatibility with the upstream version.
  • Respond to community contributions.

The eventual goal is to perform a rewrite of the loader and core mesh functionality with quad support as part of a "lace-core" project and consider how to handle the extensive mesh manipulation functions which remain.


Install dependencies

Mac OS:

brew update && brew install boost
pip install numpy==1.13.1
pip install lace


apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libsuitesparse-dev libboost-dev
pip install numpy==1.13.1
pip install lace


docker build .

Install the library

pip install lace


pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
pip install -e .
rake test
rake lint


Pull requests welcome!


If you are having issues, please let us know.


This library was refactored from legacy code at Body Labs by Alex Weiss, with portions by Eric Rachlin, Paul Melnikow, Victor Alvarez, and others. It was extracted from the Body Labs codebase and open-sourced by Guillaume Marceau. In 2018 it was forked by Paul Melnikow and published as metabolace. Thanks to a repository and package transfer from Body Labs, the fork has been merged back into the original.

Similar projects

There is an unrelated permissively licensed mesh manipulation library called Trimesh which provides some similar functionality.


The project is licensed under the two-clause BSD license.

This project uses the RPly library to read and write PLY files, by Diego Nehab, IMPA, distributed under the MIT License.