
A python package that retrieves the latest Blender download URL

pip install latest-blender-url==0.1.6


PyPI version Build Status codecov

pip install latest_blender_url

Get the latest Blender download URL and use it in a Travis CI scipt

Place the following lines in your travis.yml to download the latest Blender version (Linux 64-bit):

- pip install latest_blender_url
- url="$(python -c 'import latest_blender_url as lbu; lbu.get_latest()')"
- curl -L -o blender.tar.bz2 $url

Customizing the distribution to get

BlenderURLGetter class does all of the work. You can change the Blender download page and the archive to download by changing the class properties.

from latest_blender_url import BlenderURLGetter
getter = BlenderURLGetter()

# Set the download page
getter.download_page_url = "" 

# Set the archive pattern (see Blender download page for URL formats)
#getter.archive_pattern = 'linux64.tar.xz'       # Linux 64bit
#getter.archive_pattern = 'macOS.dmg'            # MacOS
#getter.archive_pattern = ''        # Windows 64bit

# This will scrape the download page and get the matching url
url = getter.get_latest()

When Blender Download Page Changes (and daily build fails)

  • Update the default pattern in latest_blender_url\
  • archive_patterns in tests\

Feel free to fork or submit a pull request with new features