
Python Efun management package for LDMud

pip install ldmud-efuns==0.2.3


Python Efun package for LDMud

These are routines and python efuns for management of Python efuns and types with LDMud 3.5 and later.

The package allows efuns and types to be dynamically detected, registered and reloaded.

This package contains the following efuns:

  • void python_reload()
  • string python_efun_help(string efunname)


Install from the python package index

The efun package can be downloaded from the python package index:

pip3 install --user ldmud-efuns

Build & install the package yourself

You can build the package yourself.

First clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/ldmud/python-efuns.git

Install the package

cd python-efuns
python3 setup.py install --user

Automatically load the modules at startup

Use startup.py as the Python startup script for LDMud. It will automatically detect the installed python efuns and load them.

You can deactivate single efuns with a configfile .ldmud-efuns in your home directory, with the following contents

name_of_the_efun = off

name_of_the_type = off

Manually load the modules at startup

Add the following lines to your startup script:

import ldmudefuns.reload
import ldmudefuns.help


Have fun!