
Leady Analytics Tracking API

pip install leady==0.1.4



Leady SDK for Python

PyPI version Build Status

With this package you can track events to Leady from your backend application.


leady is tested with Python 2.7 and 3.5. You can install it via pip:

pip install leady


Initialize tracker with track_key obtained from Leady.

Additional parameters you can use:

  • auto_referrer
  • session - UUID4 if you want to save and reuse same session for customer
  • base_location - some parts of event tracking needs to provide location. If you want to use it easier, zou can provide base location that will be used.
  • user_agent - similar as above.
  • http_timeout - specify custom timeout for connection to Leady
  • raise_errors - raise errors when connection to leady fails. Default is False (silent).
from leady import LeadyTracker
l = LeadyTracker('track_key', auto_referrer=True, base_location='https://monitora.cz', 
                 user_agent='Some-app/2.0', http_timeout=1, raise_errors=False)

# Track indentify event


# Track some visits and events

l.track(direction=l.DIR_I, location='https://example.com/entry')

event_value = 1000
l.track(direction=l.DIR_E, location='https://example.com/event', 
        event=['event_name', 'event_category', event_value])

l.track(l.DIR_O, location='https://example.com/bye')

More advanced usage with web framework

You can reuse session if you want to track events through views...

Here is a simple example for the Django web framework:

import uuid
from django.shortcuts import render
from leady import LeadyTracker

def first_view(request, *args):
    l = LeadyTracker('track_key')
    # ...

    l.track('download', 'report')

    # ...

    # make response
    session = l.session
    response = render(request, 'template.html', {})
    response.set_cookie('leady_tracker_session', session, 60*60*24*365*2)

    return response

def second_view(request, *args):
    session = request.COOKIES.get('leady_tracker_session') or uuid.uuid4()
    l = LeadyTracker('track_key', session=session)
    # ...

Even more advanced usage

You can also use pickle to reuse a tracker instance.

import pickle
from leady import LeadyTracker

l = LeadyTracker('track_key')

# ... do some tracking ...

# save it where you want (redis, memcache, db)...
pl = pickle.dumps(l)
del l

# and load it back again
l = pickle.loads(pl)