The python library for accounting and finance.

accounting, finance, manager, money, library, ledger, ledgerman, crypto, calculator, cryptocurrency, financial, pypi-package, python, python-module, python3, syntax
pip install ledgerman==0.7.0


PyPI - Version Downloads Discord Code style: black

LedgerMan 📒

Yet another python library for finance. Why?

  • LedgerMan is comprehensive.
  • LedgerMan is open and transparent.
  • LedgerMan provides powerful financial tools and models.


To install LedgerMan, run pip install ledgerman.


Start by importing LedgerMan:

from ledgerman import *

Example - convert EUR to USD:

Money.fetchRates() # from the European Central Bank

m = Money("10 EUR")
print("USD")) # convert currencies

Check out our documentation to learn more.

Contributing :octocat:

If you can't help with the development (you're busy, whatever...), make sure to star this repository, as that helps other developers find LedgerMan:

You can also join our discord!

Contributing Code

  • Fork this repository:

  • Set up the environment:

    Run pip install -e . in LedgerMan's src/ for a development installation.

  • Change, fix or implement something.

    Tests: Make sure to always run nosetests (in the projects src/ directory) before commiting. We also use the black codeformatter (pip install black) - run black .

  • Submit a pull request.

    They'll likely be merged and you'll definitely get some feedback.

Other ways to help

You can also contact Finn or sponsor this project ❤️!


MIT License. Copyright 2020 Finn M Glas.