
Extra criterions for LFS

pip install lfs_criterion_extra==0.2.0



Added more criterions to lfs based shop


installation is simple

pip install lfs-criterion-extra


pip install git+https://github.com/suvit/lfs-criterion-extra

After installation of the package you should add lfs_criterion_extra to INSTALLED_APPS upper then lfs app. This is because, this app templates overwrite lfs templates.


After that you need to add tables in db

python manage.py syncdb

That`s all.


lfs-criterion-extra patches lfs criterions modules to support new criterions. After patching you may use several new criterions:

  • OrderCountCriterion checks closed order count of request.user
  • GroupCriterion checks request.user is in saved group(s)
  • CategoryCriterion checks product or products in cart are in saved categories
  • ProductCriterion checks product or products in cart are in saved list of products
  • OrderCompositionCriterion checks that in cart
  • DiscountCriterion checks that saved discounts are valid or unvalid
  • OrderSummCriterion checks closed order summ of prices
  • ManufacturerCriterion checks product`s manufacturer is in saved list of manufacturers
  • TimeCriterion checks now time to compare with saved time
  • CartAmountCriterion checks cart amount
  • MaxWeightCriterion chacks max weight of the products in cart
  • ForSaleCriterion checks product or products in cart are for_sale
  • ManualDeliveryTimeCriterion checks product or products in cart are with manual delivery time
  • FullUserCriterion (AdvancedUserCriterion) added ability to check that user is anonymous or not.
  • ProfitCriterion (not worked with base lfs, needed prices from supplier) checks product profit

You may choose new criterions from criterion`s tab of delivery method, payment methods and discounts.

Added own criterions

You may inherit Criterion or NumberCriterion

from lfs_criterion_extra.models import Criterion, NumberCriterion

class FooCriterion(NumberCriterion):

    foo = models.IntegerField("Foo"), default=0)

    'may be other model fields'

    value_attr = 'foo'  # from that attribute get value to compare
    content_type = 'foo'  # internal id of the criterion
    name = 'Foo'  # displayable value

    def is_valid(self, request, product=None):
        how_many_foo = product.name.count('foo')
        return self.test_value(how_many_foo)

that`s all, your criterion is appeared in the criterion list.


  • move monkey.py to lfs.criterion.core (merge or move to lfs 0.8)
  • write tests