
A pull request approval system using GitHub protected branches and OWNERS files.

pip install lgtm==0.0.9



github-lgtm is a pull request approval system using GitHub protected branches and OWNERS files.


pip install lgtm
lgtm --github-token=MY_TOKEN --github-org=OrgName --github-repo=repo-name --github-pr-number=1

How it Works

  1. Create an OWNERS file as defined in the "Configuration" section
  2. Create a GitHub webhook that runs the lgtm check on pull requests.
  3. Lock down the GitHub repo to prevent merging without successful checks.
  4. Reviewers will be automatically notified when they need to sign off on a pull request.


  1. Reviewers leave a "lgtm" comment on the pull request to sign off on a change.


  1. Once the required set of reviewers has signed off, the pull request be eligible to be merged.



  • If there is no OWNERS file, all pull requests may be merged immediately.
  • If there is an OWNERS file, but no reviewers for the set of files on the PR, the pull request may be merged immediately.
  • If you are the single owner in a repo, there is no need to sign off on your own PRs.
  • Any commit will invalidate any existing sign offs; they must be made again.


Configuring who is notified when a PR is opened, and who has has to sign off on what files, is controlled entirely through the text file OWNERS in the root of your repository.


@github-user2 *.js
@github-user3 */subdir/*

In this example, @github-user owns any file that changes in this repo. They will be notified, and are eligible to single-handedly sign off on a pull request unless there are files changes that someone else specifically owns. Anyone in the team @OrgName/team-name will be notified of any file changing. @github-user2 owns any javascript file. @github-user3 owns any file under any directory named subdir, anywhere except in the root of the repo. Effectively, @github-user2 AND @github-user3 must BOTH sign off any a PR that contains both a Javascript change and a change to the subdir directory.

ALL reviewers watching specific files changed in a pull request must sign off before it is merged.

You can specify the same user in multiple lines if you want to match more than one glob.

Note: The file matching uses glob style matching provided by the fnmatch module in python.

Reviewers and Required Reviewers

When a pull request is opened, lgtm will get the list of files that have been changed. It will run through the users and teams in your OWNERS file, and build two lists; a list of reviewers and a list of required reviewers.

  • Reviewers are users or teams who will be notified that a change is taking place.
  • Required Reviewers are users or teams who must ALL sign off on a change before it can be merged.

Note: if there are only reviewers on a pull request, any single one of them may sign off.

The line @github-user in your OWNERS file means that this user is a reviewer of the repo. The line @github-user * means that they are specifically watching every file. Effectively, they must sign off on any change.

Pull request authors are themselves exempt from being a reviewer on their own pull requests.


All reviewers and required reviewers will be notified when a pull request is opened by being tagged with and PR comment, created by the user associated with the GITHUB_TOKEN. Only one comment will be created, the first time the lgtm tool is run.

Note: you can easily see which pull requests you have been mentioned on by going to https://github.com/pulls


Every pull request will assigned to the first matching reviewer from the OWNERS file. Order matters!

GitHub Teams

You can use teams in your OWNERS file with the format @OrgName/team-name. If a team is a reviewer, all individual team members will be notified. This is because the GitHub UI does not allow you to easily filter down to pull requests that mention a team you are on.

If a team is a required reviewer, any single member of the team can sign off on the pull request for the entire team.

If the pull request author is on a reviewing team, they are not allowed to sign off. Someone else on the team will need to sign off.


The idea is that you use a continuous integration server to run the lgtm tool on every PR, PR comment or new commit pushed to a PR.


  • Install the GitHub pull request builder plugin
  • Configure the pull request builder as per their instructions
  • Install the tool on the Jenkins server with sudo pip install lgtm
  • Add GITHUB_TOKEN=foobar lgtm --integration jenkins to your list of build steps.
  • Under Build Triggers -> GitHub Pull Request Builder -> Advanced, set the Trigger phrase to lgtm.


Example .travis.yml:

language: python
  - "2.7"
  secure: ""
install: "pip install lgtm"
script: lgtm --integration travis

The secure option is used to pass your GitHub API token. You can generate the value by doing the following:

gem install travis
travis encrypt GITHUB_TOKEN=foobar

That's it! Note: Travis cannot be trigger to rebuild on new comments. You must manually re-trigger the build

Usage from CLI:

lgtm --help


usage: console.py [-h] [--github-token GITHUB_TOKEN] [--github-org GITHUB_ORG]
                  [--github-repo GITHUB_REPO]
                  [--github-pr-number GITHUB_PR_NUMBER]
                  [--owners-file OWNERS_FILE] [--integration {jenkins,travis}]
                  [--skip-approval <branch_name>] [--skip-assignment]
                  [--skip-notification <branch_name>]
                  [--version] [--verbose]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --github-token GITHUB_TOKEN
                        GitHub API Token, can also use GITHUB_TOKEN
                        environment variable
  --github-org GITHUB_ORG
                        GitHub organization name
  --github-repo GITHUB_REPO
                        Pull request repository name
  --github-pr-number GITHUB_PR_NUMBER
                        Pull request number
  --owners-file OWNERS_FILE
                        Relative path to OWNERS file
  --integration {jenkins,travis}
                        Extract org/repo/pr from environment variables
                        specific to a platform
  --skip-approval       Add a branch to the list of branches for which
                        approval is not necessary.
  --skip-assignment     Do not assign the PR to anyone on the reviewers
  --skip-notification   Add a branch to the list of branches for which
                        notification should not be sent.
  --version             Print version and exit
  --verbose             Print commands that are running and other debug info

Usage from Python:

You can integrate into an existing Python check with just a couple of lines of code.

from lgtm import pull_request_ready_to_merge

if pull_request_ready_to_merge(github_token='MY_TOKEN', org='OrgName', repo='repo-name', pr_number=1):

Advanced usage:

For more control over the list of reviewers, who is required, whether anyone is assigned to a PR, etc, you can use this snippet from the definition of pull_request_ready_to_merge:

from lgtm import git, owners

github_repo = git.GitHub(github_token=github_token, org_name=org, repo_name=repo)
pull_request = github_repo.get_pull_request(pr_number=pr_number)
owner_lines = github_repo.read_file_lines(file_path=owners_file)
owner_ids_and_globs = owners.parse(owner_lines)
reviewers, required = owners.get_owners_of_files(owner_ids_and_globs, pull_request.files)
individual_reviewers = github_repo.expand_teams(reviewers, except_login=pull_request.author)
# individual_reviewers.append(pull_request.get_reviewers(owners_lines=['foo *.js', ]))
if individual_reviewers:
    comment = pull_request.generate_comment(reviewers=individual_reviewers, required=required)
if required and pull_request.all_have_signed_off(required):
else if pull_request.one_has_signed_off(individual_reviewers):