
Runtime library for the Thryft code generation framework

pip install libthryft==2.0.8


Thryft: a code generation framework for multilingual web application development


Thryft accepts Apache Thrift interface definitions and generates:

  • Java immutable models, service interfaces, abstract service stubs, unit test templates, logging service wrappers, and REST and JSON-RPC servlet bridges to services
  • Python models and JSON-RPC service clients
  • Backbone.js models and jQuery .ajax service clients

Thryft is written in Python using a SPARK parser and syntax-directed translation.

Thryft does not share any code with Apache Thrift, and it is not intended to be a complete rewrite of the latter. Among other things, Thryft does not currently a number of secondary IDL features such as senums. Thryft's runtime library is also quite different from Apache Thrift's and e.g., does not support field numbering.

Thryft does have a number of features that are not present in Apache Thrift:

  • Support for additional "native" types using custom, dynamically-loaded code generators:
    • URLs
    • email addresses
    • BigDecimals
    • datetimes
  • Annotations in Javadoc-style comments that can generate:
    • Javadoc on Java models and services
    • Shiro @Requires annotations
    • Faker.js-compatible calls
    • Jsdoc
    • Backbone.Forms and Backbone.Validation properties
  • A Java runtime library that provides:
    • Model marshalling protocols: CSV; JSON; string maps
    • Model stores: file system; JDBC; memory; Redis; S3; SimpleDB; DynamoDB


    git clone git://


The command line interface is similar to Apache Thrift's:

    python thryft/compiler/bin/thryft -h

However, it's generally easier to write a simple Python script that uses the generators as a library. An example script that generates test code can be found in



2-clause BSD