
A python library that simplify the access to the linketurbidity index.

pip install linketurbidity==0.0.6




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A python library that simplifies the access to the linke turbidity index.


If you want to use this library on any GNU/Linux or OSX system you just need to execute:

$ pip install linketurbidity

If you want to improve this library, you should download the github repository and execute:

$ make deploy

On Ubuntu Desktop there are some other libraries not installed by default (zlibc libbz2-dev) which may need to be installed to use these library. Use the next command to automate the installation of the additional C libraries:

$ make ubuntu deploy


To test all the project you should use the command:

$ make test

If you want to help us or report an issue join to us through the GitHub issue tracker.


There are 3 methods to obtain the linke turbidity matrix:

  1. obtain
  2. obtain_to
  3. persist

The obtain method needs a datetime object:

    from linketurbidity import instrument
    from datetime import datetime

    linke_matrix = instrument.obtain(datetime(2014, 11, 10))

Next, the obtain_to method needs a standard NOAA CLASS netcdf filename to parse:

    from linketurbidity import instrument
    from datetime import datetime

    linke_matrix = instrument.obtain_to('data/')

Last, the persist method needs a standard NOAA CLASS netcdf filename to save the variables:

    from linketurbidity import instrument
    from datetime import datetime
    from netcdf import netcdf as nc

    with nc.loader('data/') as root:
        print nc.getvar(root, 'linke')[:]


This software is developed by GERSolar. You can contact us to