... lets you send your code to http://linkode.org web service
$ linkodeit -h
usage: linkodeit [-h] [-p PARENT | -g GET] [-i INPUT] [-t TYPE] [-o]
[-r REVISION] [-v] [--version]
Paste a text on linkode.org
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PARENT, --parent PARENT
linkode id of its parent
-g GET, --get GET linkode id to get is parent to this new one
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
text file to be pasted on linkode.org
-t TYPE, --type TYPE the type of the content (plain text, Python, diff, C,
-o, --open open the default browser with the link
-r REVISION, --revision REVISION
the revision number of the node that is parent to this
new one
-v, --verbose show all the debug information
--version show the version and exit
$ sudo pip3 install linkodeit
$ echo "Hello world" | linkodeit