Cotação London Metal Exchange

hacktoberfest, hacktoberfest-accepted, london-metal-exchange, python, terminal
pip install lme==0.5.2



Cotação London Metal Exchange

Deploy workflow Build Status Updates Python 3 codecov GitHub

Instalando o pacote via pip

$ pip install lme

Instalando via git

$ git clone

Como rodar o projeto (clonando via git)

  • Clone esse repositório.
  • Crie um virtualenv com Python 3.
  • Ative o virtualenv.
  • Instale as dependências.
git clone
cd lme
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
python contrib/

Utilizando o pacote no terminal

$ python lme/ 
║ Semana do ano: 07               ║ Início: 17-02-2020 ║ Fim: 21-02-2020 ║
             Cobre   Zinco  Aluminio  Chumbo  Estanho   Niquel   Dolar
2020-02-17  5802.0  2153.5    1678.5  1911.0  16630.0  13070.0  4.3157
2020-02-18  5728.0  2128.0    1681.0  1901.0  16520.0  12880.0  4.3471
2020-02-19  5745.5  2126.5    1686.0  1920.0  16550.0  12700.0  4.3728
2020-02-20  5730.0  2100.0    1687.0  1939.0  16600.0  12685.0  4.3873
2020-02-21  5702.0  2086.5    1677.0  1881.0  16525.0  12440.0  4.3924
             Cobre   Zinco  Aluminio  Chumbo  Estanho   Niquel    Dolar
Média:      5741.5  2118.9    1681.9  1910.4  16565.0  12755.0  4.36306

Python console

>>> from lme.prices import last_weeks
>>> last_weeks(2)
║ Semana do ano: 07               ║ Início: 17-02-2020 ║ Fim: 21-02-2020 ║
             Cobre   Zinco  Aluminio  Chumbo  Estanho   Niquel   Dolar
2020-02-17  5802.0  2153.5    1678.5  1911.0  16630.0  13070.0  4.3157
2020-02-18  5728.0  2128.0    1681.0  1901.0  16520.0  12880.0  4.3471
2020-02-19  5745.5  2126.5    1686.0  1920.0  16550.0  12700.0  4.3728
2020-02-20  5730.0  2100.0    1687.0  1939.0  16600.0  12685.0  4.3873
2020-02-21  5702.0  2086.5    1677.0  1881.0  16525.0  12440.0  4.3924
             Cobre   Zinco  Aluminio  Chumbo  Estanho   Niquel    Dolar
Média:      5741.5  2118.9    1681.9  1910.4  16565.0  12755.0  4.36306

Testes, contribuição e dependências de desenvolvimento

Para instalar as dependências de desenvolvimento

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Banco de dados para desenvolvimento com Docker

docker-compose up -d

Para rodar os testes


Para criar um relatório de cobertura de testes.

coverage run -m pytest -v
coverage html

Verificando o Code style

pycodestyle .
flake8 .


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
