
A familiar API from the Web, adapted to storing data locally with Python.

pip install localStoragePy==0.2.3



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A familiar API from the Web, adapted to storing data locally with Python.

Get started

  1. Install using PyPi: $ pip3 install localStoragePy

  2. Import into your project: from localStoragePy import localStoragePy

  3. Setup localStorage: localStorage = localStoragePy('your-app-namespace', 'your-storage-backend')

  • your-app-namespace: whatever you want (example: me.jkelol111.mypythonapp) excluding path separators / \ or other disallowed characters in file name for your intended platform

  • your-storage-backend: your preferred storage backend (sqlite by default).

    • Available storage backends:
      • text: text files for each storage item.
      • sqlite: a single database for all storage items.
      • json: a single JSON file for all storage items.
  1. Use your typical localStorage syntax to store/read your strings:
  • localStorage.getItem(item)

  • localStorage.setItem(item, value)

  • localStorage.removeItem(item)

  • localStorage.clear()

It's that familiar and simple.

When is this useful?

  • When you want to store tiny strings for your app...

  • Or your app's configuration in JSON...
