
HTTP proxy server in twisted. If there is a directory with same name as target host (e.g.: www.example.com), contents of the directory are returned instead of making a request to the target host.

pip install localproxy==0.0.3



HTTP proxy server in twisted. If there is a directory with same name as target host (e.g.: www.example.com), contents of the directory are returned instead of making a request to the target host.


$ pip install localproxy


The following command invokes localproxy.

$ localproxy

By default, Localproxy listens for connections at port 8080. You can change the proxy setting of your Web browser to localhost:8080.

To use HTTPS proxy with CONNECT command, you should create your private key and x509 certificate.

$ mkdir ~/my_dir
$ cd ~/my_dir
$ openssl genrsa > privkey.pem
$ openssl req -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 365

Localproxy reads files from local directory if there is a directory with same name as target host name. Let's say you want to serve files of http://www.example.com, you can create the directory and file as follow:

$ mkdir www.example.com
$ echo '<html>hello</html>' > www.example.com/index.html

then the file above will be displayed if you open http://www.example.com with your browser.