
Loganary Ranking Library.

pip install loganary-ranking==0.2.0


Logana: Log Analysis System


Logana is Search/Recommend Log Analysis system.

Kernel settings for elasticsearch

Logana server is elasticsearch cluster. elasticsearch needs to set vm.max_map_count to at least 262144. See Install Elasticsearch with Docker.


Start Logana Server

$ ./bin/logana server start

If you want to start Logana with Kibana, add -k option:

$ ./bin/logana server start -k

Stop Logana Server

$ ./bin/logana server stop

Clean Up on Logana Server

$ ./bin/logana server clean

Show Stats

$ ./bin/logana show


Log Format

Logana defines a log format with dynamic templates for elasticsearch. It's as below:

  "request": {
    "id": { // ID values
      "name": "value",
    "attributes": { // attributes for request
      "keyword": { // field type
        "name": "value",
      ... // available field types: keyworkd, text, integer, long, float, double, date, ip
    "conditions": { // search conditions
      "keyword": { // field type
        "name": "value",
      ... // available field types: keyworkd, text, integer, long, float, double, date, ip
  "response": {
    "attributes": { // attributes for response
      "keyword": { // field type
        "name": "value",
      ... // available field types: keyworkd, text, integer, long, float, double, date, ip
    "results": {
      "doc_X": { // viewed document
        "id": "value", // ID for document
        "keyword": { // field type
          "name": "value",
        ... // available field types: keyworkd, text, integer, long, float, double, date, ip

An example request is like this:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST localhost:9220/logana_log.2020-10/_doc/12345 -d '
  "request": {
    "id": {
      "request": "12345",
      "session": "abcde"
    "attributes": {
      "keyword": {
        "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 ...",
        "referer": "https:/..."
      "date": {
        "request_time": "2020-09-06T00:00:06.166+0000"
    "conditions": {
      "keyword": {
        "query": "java",
        "location": "tokyo",
        "category": ["tech", "news"]
  "response": {
    "attributes": {
      "integer": {
        "took": 10
      "long": {
        "total_hits": 321
    "results": {
      "doc_1": {
        "id": "docid345",
        "keyword": {
          "title": "Java Programing",
          "category": "java"
        "boolean": {
          "is_clicked": true
        "date": {
          "click_time": "2020-09-06T00:01:16.234+0000"
      "doc_2": {
        "id": "docid534",
        "keyword": {
          "title": "Java Book",
          "category": "java"
        "boolean": {
          "is_clicked": false
        "date": {
      "doc_3": {
        "id": "docid675",
        "keyword": {
          "title": "Java News",
          "category": "news"
        "boolean": {
          "is_clicked": true
        "date": {
          "click_time": "2020-09-06T00:02:34.412+0000"