
Log parsing tool

pip install logator==0.2.2



Build your own log parser.

Installing it

python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install

Using it

You need a source. Something wich iterate log line. The simplest way is STDIN and files, but you can also use syslogd protocol or more complex source.

For reading loglines, you need a reader. Reader is basically a regex with simple string manipulations. You can add dynamic getter for castly query (ip to country for example). Dynamic attributes are lazy loaded and memoized.

Query is done with filter, wich can be piped.

Result can be return as dict wich can be easily serialized if you wont to index it or storing it.

from logator.log import log
from logator.weblog import Common, UserAgent, HostByName, Filter_by_code, Filter_by_attribute
#The filter
filtr = Filter_by_code(200) | Filter_by_attribute('command', 'GET')
#The source
logs = open('/var/log/apache2/access.log', 'r')
#Lighttpd is the reader with two dynamic attributes reader : UserAgent, HostByName
for line in filtr.filter(logs, Lighttpd, UserAgent, HostByName):
    print line.as_dict()

User Agent parsing is stolen from Google code : http://code.google.com/p/ua-parser/.

The future

  • √ Filter
  • √ Dynamic attributes
  • √ Parsing http server log
  • _ Parsing mail log (postfix + amavis)
  • _ Reading stdin
  • _ Reading syslog protocol
  • _ Reading "à la" tail -f
  • _ Filling a mongo database
  • √ IP to country
  • _ Querying
  • _ Nice graph from stored data


MIT, 2012 © Mathieu Lecarme