Asynchronous Telegram logging for Python applications

logger, logging, telegram, async, asyncio, telegram_logger, tg_logger, python
pip install logger-tg==0.1.0



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logger-tg is a Python package that seamlessly integrates logging with Telegram, allowing developers to receive log messages directly in a Telegram chat. This tool is especially useful for monitoring applications in real-time, receiving immediate error notifications, and keeping track of important information without the need to constantly check log files.


  • Easy Integration: Set up with just a few lines of code.
  • Real-Time Notifications: Receive log messages instantly on your Telegram.
  • Flexible Logging Levels: Supports all standard logging levels (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL).
  • Customizable: Easily configure the logger to suit your needs, including custom message formatting.
  • Asynchronous Support: Utilizes asynchronous communication with Telegram for efficient message delivery.
  • Dynamic Logging Methods: Use custom method names to dynamically log messages at any level, enhancing code readability and simplifying the search for log output locations.


logger-tg can be installed using pip. Ensure you have Python 3.6 or newer.

pip install logger-tg

Quick Start

To get started with logger-tg, you need to configure it with your Telegram bot token and recipient chat ID. Here's a quick guide:

  1. Create a Telegram Bot: If you haven't already, create a bot by chatting with BotFather on Telegram and save the bot token.
  2. Find Your Chat ID: You can use the @userinfobot on Telegram to find your chat ID.

Basic Setup

from logger_tg import configure_logger, BaseLogger

# Configure global settings
configure_logger(bot_token='your_bot_token', recipient_id=your_chat_id)

# Initialize the logger
logger = BaseLogger('MyAppLogger')

# Start logging'This is a test message!')


Custom Log Handlers logger-tg allows for custom log handlers, enabling you to log to files, console, and Telegram simultaneously.

from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
from logger_tg import BaseLogger, TgLoggerSettings, get_logger

# File handler for logging to a file
file_handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler('app.log', when='midnight', interval=1)
file_handler.suffix = '%Y-%m-%d'

# Console handler for logging to stderr
console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

# Initialize the logger with custom handlers
logger = get_logger(
)'Logging to console and file.')

Dynamic Logging Methods

logger-tg supports dynamic logging methods, allowing you to log messages at any level with a single line of code. This feature enhances flexibility and readability by letting you specify the log level directly in the method call.


from logger_tg import BaseLogger

logger = BaseLogger(__name__)
logger.dynamic_method('error', 'An error occurred!')
# output:
# ERROR: dynamic_method: An error occurred!

This will log an error message "dynamic_method: An error occurred!" using the dynamic method feature. The first argument after the method name specifies the log level, making it straightforward to adjust the severity of your logs on the fly.

Using dynamic methods not only makes your code more intuitive but also simplifies locating where specific logs are generated, especially when debugging or monitoring your application.

Advanced Usage

logger-tg also supports asynchronous logging to Telegram, which can be particularly useful for applications with high logging throughput or when you wish to avoid blocking the main thread.

Asynchronous Error Logging To log errors asynchronously to Telegram:

import asyncio
from logger_tg import BaseLogger

logger = BaseLogger('AsyncAppLogger')

async def log_error():
    logger.error('Asynchronous error logging.')

# Running the asynchronous log function

This approach ensures that your application remains responsive, even when sending multiple log messages to Telegram.


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a main branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.


logger-tg is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Thanks to the authors of aiohttp.