
local cappuccino setup for zc.buildout

buildout, recipe, cappuccino, javascript, objectiv-j, cocoa
pip install lovely.recipe.cappuccino==0.0.7



This recipe allows you to

  • install cappuccino as a local installation inside your development environment
  • setup a build tool to support cibs and data models

Cappuccino Installer

Creates a local cappuccino installation for your project.

Buildout options

  • path : where to install narwhal (default: parts)
  • narwhal-user : github user from which to get narwhal (default: 280north)
  • narwhal-ref : reference of the version/branch to use (default: master)
  • narwhal-required : additional packages to install into narwhal
  • narwhal-jsc : use narwhal-jsc on OS-X systems
  • cappuccino-develop : path to a cappuccino checkout (default: None)

What happens

download narwahl from github using the options:<narwhal-user>/narwhal/zipball/<narwhal-ref>

The downloaded file is cached using the standard buildout cache.

if the path <path>/narwhal doesn't exist:

- extract narwhal to <path>/narwhal
- run "tusk install browserjs jake shrinksafe"
- on MAC OS-X:
    - run "tusk install narwhal-jsc"
    - run "make webkit" in <path>/narwhal/packages/narwhal-jsc
- run "tusk install cappuccino"
- run "tusk install <required>" for every <narwahl-reqired> package

By default narwhal-jsc is not installed. It can be controlled by the "narwhal-jsc" buildout option or by setting the environment variable "buildoutnarwhaljsc". Independent of this narwhal-jsc is only installen on MAC-OS-X (uname == 'Darwin').

At this point of the installation we have narwhal installed at <path>/narwahl with the latest released cappuccino version.

Using a Development Version of cappuccino

If you provide a path to a cappuccino checkout then "jake install" is run to install the dev-version into narwhal.

To get a cappuccino checkout we suggest to use mr.developer to get cappuccino from git.

Here's a sample buildout setup to install a cappuccino checkout at ${buildout-directory}/js/cappuccino



extensions = mr.developer

# mr.developer options auto-checkout = * sources = sources sources-dir = js

[sources] cappuccino = git egg=false git://

Cappuccino Build Tools

Creates an executable to build whatever is needed for your cappuccino project(s).

Option: narwhal (required)

The path to the narwhal installation to use. You can easily get the path from the cappcuccino install parts using ${partname:narwhal-directory}.

Option: name (optional)

The name for the executable (default: the name of the buildout part)

Option: nib2cib (optional)

List of paths to your projects to look for *.xib files.

Run "nib2cib" for all xib files found.

Option: datamodel (optional)

List of paths to your projects to look for "*.xcdatamodel" files.

  • /Developer/usr/bin/momc <name.xcdatamodel> name.cxcdatamodel
  • plutil -convert xml1 name.cxcdatamodel

for every xcdatamodel found in and below the path.