
collect arbitrary data

pip install lowatt-collect==1.1




Command line interface to collect distant data and do something about it

Install and usage

$ pip install lowatt_collect

Once your sources file is written (see section below), start collect by running

lowatt-collect collect sources.yml

Our run postcollect on all previously collected files:

lowatt-collect postcollect sources.yml

or on specified files only:

lowatt-collect postcollect sources.yml data/sources/*.csv


lowatt-collect --help
lowatt-collect <command> --help

for all available options.

Collect sources definition

This is driven by a 'sources' definition YAML file. Each source may either define sub-sources or have a 'collect' value indicating the command to use to collect data and/or a 'postcollect' value indicating the command or commands to start when a new file is collected. Last but not least, a source with a 'poscollect' command may have a 'collectack' value indicating the command to use to notify postcollect success / failure. This is useful for collect commands relying on some index file that should be "commited" only if the postcollect succeed.

A source may only have 'postcollect' defined without any 'collect' in case where files are put in there by hand or any other way than the above 'collect' command.

Last but not least, each collect is done within a temporary directory. Collected files are moved from this directory to the sources hierarchy once fully collected (e.g. downloaded) and all postcollect treatments occured (e.g. data is imported in a database). If some error occurs for a file during postcollect, it's moved in the 'errors' subdirectory of the source directory.

Below a sample source file:

root: /data/
  CONFIG_DIR: /conf


    collect: "python -m meteofrance -o {DIR}"
    postcollect: "python -m dataimport meteofrance"


      collect: "python -m conso dl-bill -I {ROOT}/index.json -o {DIR} {CONFIG_DIR}/conso.yml"
      - "python -m dataimport conso bill"
      - "python -m billimport"
      collectack: "python -m conso dl-bill-ack -I {ROOT}/index.json"

      collect: "python -m conso dl-index -o {DIR} {CONFIG_DIR}/conso.yml"
      postcollect: "python -m dataimport conso index"

    postcollect: "python -m dataimport be"

Sources hierarchy will be mirrored under the directory specified as root value. The above example would be mapped to:

    <files put there by hand and importable by des.suez.read_xls_stream>
    <files collected from meteofrance and importable by des.mf.read_csv_stream>
      <files collected from tsme and importable by des.suez.read_pdf_stream>
      <files collected from tsme and importable by des.suez.read_xls_stream>

Commands are not shell command, yet you may expand environment variables using brackets "{ENV_VAR}". Since command are splitted to be given to exec, environment variables are the way to go to insert argument values containing spaces:

  CONFIG_DIR: /conf/directory with spaces/

    collect: "python -m meteofrance -c {CONFIG_DIR}"

When run after collect, postcollect commands will be called for each collected file, with its path as argument. File whose name starts with a dot ('.') are skipped.

When run standalone, each postcollect command for a source will be called once, either with all files specified as argument or with all files found in the source directory.

Available environment variables are:

  • those inherited from the process that launched the collect or postcollect
  • those defined in the 'environment' section of the configuration file
  • SOURCE: root source key from which the command is coming
  • COLLECTOR: path from root to the collector joined by '.' - same as SOURCE if the collector is defined at the first level in the hierarchy
  • ROOT: path to the root directory
  • DIR: source directory - this may not be the actual directory under ROOT but a temporary directory, as collect happen within a temporary directory whose content is moved once collect and postcollect are done
  • LOG_LEVEL: the log level name received as argument ('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING' or 'ERROR')

'collectack' command has access to the following extra environment variables:

  • TMPDIR: the temporary source directory that has been used to collect files before their processing, though they have been moved to their source directory when the command is called
  • ERROR_FILES: collected files which have encountered an error during postcollect
  • SUCCESS_FILES: collected files which have been successfully postcollected

Additional informations

This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License v3 or later.

Comments and patches are welcome, see https://github.com/lowatt/lowatt_collect.