
learning python

project, learning, packaging
pip install lpk==0.1.3



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minimum unit of module is a python file.
a directory containing python files is also a module.
a single file module is a binary __main__ when executed as python3 <path/to/file>.py, also is a library __init__ when imported.
a directory module can be a binary and executed as python3 <path/to/directory> by containing__main__.py, also can be a library and imported by containing__init__.py.
python to module/__init__.py is as rust to module/mod.rs. python to module.py is almost as rust to module.rs but also a binary. top level module/__main__.py or module.py is as rust to src/main.rs top level module/__init__.py or module.py is as rust to src/lib.rs

__main__ and __init__ are parts of meta info of a module. there are a lot of other meta info. e.g. __name__


package is also a module or collection of modules. a package can be published to https://pypi.org/. in actual, body of a package uploaded to the pypi registry is just a single module or some modules. modules of a package are located under the project directly or the src directory by convention.



the best package managing tool in Python project. it was insipired by Rust's Cargo.

manifest file

pyproject.toml https://python-poetry.org/docs/pyproject/

initialize a package

poetry init # current directory
poetry new <another> # create another package under current directory

check virtual environments

poetry env info # check executable section and set this custom path when using vscode via `Python: select interpreter`.
poetry env list

clear cache

poetry cache clear pypi --all
find . | grep -E "__pycache__$" | xargs rm -rf

publish package

make sure there is not same name package on https://pypi.org

poetry search <package>

currently you cannot publish with username and password. you need to use api token.

poetry build
poetry publish -u=__token__ -p=<your pypi api token>

if it's redundant to input token every time.

poetry config pypi-token.pypi <your pypi api token>

and after that

poetry build
poetry publish

process sources in a file only when executed as binary

# processed whenever regardless of as library or binary.

if __name__ == __main__:
    # processed only when executed as binary.


by convention, integration tests are located under top level tests directory. and unittests are included in each module.




CI/CD & automation supporting

Python public / private syntax convention

there is no private module and file private objects limited by syntax. by convention, to convey that a module or object is private to users, you can make it start with a single underscore _. and objects private too. on the other hand, class members can be public, protected, private protected member start with a single underscore _. private member start with two under scores __. class to protected member is as a file to private object. private member is completely different. cannot accessible from outside normally. to access it, obj._ClassName__private_member also, private members are not inherited, so cannot be accessible anyhow through the childeren which inherited it.

development with vscode


  • Python
  • Pylance
  • Live Server
  • Even Better TOML
  • Bash IDE
  • autoDocstring - Python
  • GitLens
  • markdownlint
  • YAML
  • shell-format