
Lua environment manager

environment-manager, hererocks, lua, version-manager, virtualenvwrapper
pip install luamb==0.2.0


(🌑) luamb

Lua environment manager built on top of hererocks and inspired by virtualenvwrapper.

Supported shells

  • Bash
  • Zsh


  1. Install luamb using pip (hererocks will be installed automatically):

    pip install [--user] luamb
  2. Create a directory for environments:

    mkdir $HOME/.luambenvs
  3. Configure your shell (add these lines to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc):

    # path to the directory with environments
    export LUAMB_DIR=$HOME/.luambenvs
    # optional variables:
    export LUAMB_LUA_DEFAULT='lua 5.3'     # default Lua version
    export LUAMB_LUAROCKS_DEFAULT=latest   # default LuaRocks version
    LUAMB_DISABLE_COMPLETION=true          # disable shell completions
    LUAMB_PYTHON_BIN=/usr/bin/python3      # explicitly set Python executable
    # make some magic
    source <(luamb shellsrc)
    # or if luamb executable is not in PATH:
    source <("$LUAMB_PYTHON_BIN" -m luamb shellsrc)
  4. Try to execute in a new shell:

    luamb --help


  • Create an environment 'myproject' with the latest Lua 5.2 (5.2.4), the latest LuaRocks and associate it with /home/user/projects/myproject:

    luamb mk myproject -l 5.2 -r latest -a /home/user/projects/myproject
  • Create an environment 'jittest' with LuaJIT 2.0.4, without LuaRocks and associate it with /home/user/projects/jitproj:

    luamb mk jittest -j 2.0.4 -a /home/user/projects/jitproj
  • Set the latest LuaJIT 2.0 (2.0.5) and the latest LuaRocks version by default:

    export LUAMB_LUA_DEFAULT='luajit 2.0'
    export LUAMB_LUAROCKS_DEFAULT=latest
  • Create an environment 'newenv' with the default versions and without associated project directory:

    luamb mk newenv
  • Create an environment 'norocks' with the default Lua version (LuaJIT 2.0.5) and without LuaRocks (verbose mode):

    luamb mk norocks --no-luarocks --verbose
  • Activate the 'newenv' environment:

    luamb on newenv
  • Deactivate the current environment:

    luamb off
  • Delete the 'myproject' environment (it will remove the environment directory only, not the project one):

    luamb rm myproject


Each command has one or more aliases.

  • on | enable | activate — activate an environment
  • off | disable | deactivate — deactivate the current environment
  • mk | new | create — create a new environment
  • rm | remove | del | delete — remove an environment
  • info | show — Show the details for a single virtualenv
  • ls | list — list all of the environments

Version history

0.4.0 (2020-06-27)


  • Remove version parsing magic

    luamb mk now accepts the same version specifiers as hererocks. lua/luajit prefixes are not allowed anymore, use a bare version specifier (e.g., -l 5.1 instead of -l lua5.1).

    A value of the LUAMB_LUA_DEFAULT environment variable must conform to the following format: interpreter version_specifier (e.g., lua 5.3, luajit latest, moonjit 2.2, raptorjit repo@tag, lua /path/to).

    A value of the LUAMB_LUAROCKS_DEFAULT environment variable must contain only a version specifier (e.g., 3.3.0, 2.1, latest, repo@tag, /path/to), the rocks/luarocks prefix is not allowed anymore.

  • Move shell code to a Python module

    The code can now be retrieved with the luamb shellsrc command. Use source <(luamb shellsrc) to load the luamb function into the current shell.

  • Enable shell completion by default

    Set the LUAMB_DISABLE_COMPLETION environment variable to true to disable the completion. The LUAMB_COMPLETION environment variable was removed.


  • Add support for RaptorJIT and moonjit
  • Add --list-versions flag to mk command
  • Add --short flag to ls command

0.3.0 (2018-07-24)

  • Add git URIs and local paths support
  • Add hererocks non-zero status handling
  • Wrap hererocks deactivate-lua function to deactivate environment properly
  • Add some new aliases

0.2.1 (2018-03-25)

Bugfix release

0.2.0 (2017-08-29)

Zsh support

0.1.2 (2016-08-24)

OS X support (using greadlink)

0.1.1 (2016-07-23)

Bash completion

0.1.0 (2016-07-20)

Initial release


The MIT License.