
PDF anonymizer/synthesizer for Cradl

pip install lucidtech-synthetic==0.3.1


Image/PDF synthesizer for Cradl

Github Actions build status Python version PyPi version Dockerhub version License


This code does not guarantee that images/PDFs will be successfully synthesized. Use at your own risk.


$ pip install lucidtech-synthetic

Make sure to have the following software installed on your system before using the CLI:

  • ghostscript

Basic Usage


We recommend disabling networking and setting /path/to/src_dir to read-only as shown below:

docker run --network none -v /path/to/src_dir:/root/src_dir:ro -v /path/to/dst_dir:/root/dst_dir -it lucidtechai/synthetic pdf /root/src_dir /root/dst_dir
docker run --network none -v /path/to/src_dir:/root/src_dir:ro -v /path/to/dst_dir:/root/dst_dir -it lucidtechai/synthetic image /root/src_dir /root/dst_dir /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf 6-36


synthetic pdf /path/to/src_dir /path/to/dst_dir
synthetic image /path/to/src_dir /path/to/dst_dir /usr/share/fonts/ubuntu/Ubuntu-B.ttf 6-36

/path/to/src_dir is the input directory and should contain your image/PDFs and JSON ground truths /path/to/dst_dir is the output directory where synthesized image/PDFs and JSON ground truths will be written to

Here is an example of the directory layout for /path/to/src_dir:

β”œβ”€β”€ a.pdf|jpeg
β”œβ”€β”€ a.json
β”œβ”€β”€ b.pdf|jpeg
└── b.json

The output directory will follow the same layout but with modified images/PDFs and JSON ground truths:

β”œβ”€β”€ a.pdf|jpeg
β”œβ”€β”€ a.json
β”œβ”€β”€ b.pdf|jpeg
└── b.json

Using a custom Synthesizer

The following examples shown are for custom PDF synthesizers, but it works similarly for image synthesizers


synthetic pdf /path/to/src_dir /path/to/dst_dir --synthesizer-class

Make sure that parent directory of is in your PYTHONPATH

Example using one of the example Synthesizers in examples directory

synthetic pdf /path/to/src_dir /path/to/dst_dir --synthesizer-class examples.exclude-words.synthesizer.ExcludeWordsSynthesizer


docker run --network none -v /path/to/synthesizer:/root/synthesizer -v /path/to/src_dir:/root/src_dir:ro -v /path/to/dst_dir:/root/dst_dir -it lucidtechai/synthetic pdf /root/src_dir /root/dst_dir --synthesizer-class mypythonfile.ExcludeWordsSynthesizer

Note that the python module must be mounted into the docker container to /root/synthesizer for it to work. In the above example we assume a directory structure of your custom synthesizer to be like below.


Example using one of the example Synthesizers in examples directory. The examples directory should already exist in the image so that we don't need to mount anything additional.

docker run --network none -v /path/to/src_dir:/root/src_dir:ro -v /path/to/dst_dir:/root/dst_dir -it lucidtechai/synthetic pdf /root/src_dir /root/dst_dir --synthesizer-class examples.exclude-words.synthesizer.ExcludeWordsSynthesizer


All methods support the --help flag which will provide information on the purpose of the method, and what arguments could be added.

$ synthetic --help

Known Issues

Image Synthesizer

  • Synthesized text does not follow the rotation of the document in the image if document is rotated
  • Bounding boxes needed in ground truth

PDF Synthesizer

  • Does not synthesize images inside PDF
  • Replaced strings are sometimes not hexadecimal encoded even when expected to be
  • Text appearing as single characters with custom spacing in PDF will often yield poor results