
M3 CMake project generator

pip install m3project-creator==1.2.1


M3 CMake Project Creator

This package is a template-based project generator for the Meka robot, using the new overlay interface. It can be used as a tutorial for your future M3 Components.

New Features:

  • Template based generator (see the template folder)
  • Console interface
  • On the GUI : Preview the files before being generated (double-click on them on the tree)


The package is uploaded to pypi, to downloading/installing is made easy.

sudo -E pip install m3project-creator


If you've already installed m3project-creator, please use this command to update it:

sudo -E pip install m3project-creator --upgrade

Run the M3 CMake project generator

Using the GUI :


or the console version :

m3create_pkg --help

Example :

m3create_pkg m3awesome_project sincontrollers myawesomecontroller 

The generated files

  • mycontroller.cpp: The source file that contains your component class (inherits from the M3Component class).
  • mycontroller.h: The header file associated.
  • factory_proxy.cpp: This file is used by the m3 system to instantiate your component.
  • (OPTIONAL) mycontroller.proto: A protobuf file that can be used to communicate with your controller (using python for example). This is used in the m3 software.
  • (OPTIONAL) mycontroller.py: The python interface to your controller
  • (OPTIONAL) controller_example.py: An example on how to use the python interface

The generated project

|-- src
|   `-- myproject
|       |-- mycomponent
|       |   |-- my_class.cpp
|       |   |-- my_class_factory.cpp
|       |   `-- CMakeLists.txt
|       `-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- include
|   `-- myproject
|       `-- mycomponent
|           `-- my_class.h
|-- proto
|   `-- myproject
|       `-- mycomponent
|           `-- my_class.proto
|-- python
|   `-- myproject
|       |-- mycomponent
|       |   |-- __init__.py
|       |   |-- my_class.py
|       |   `-- my_class_example.py
|       `-- __init__.py
|-- robot_config
|   |-- mycomponent
|   |   `-- my_class_v1.yml
|   `-- m3_config.yml
`-- CMakeLists.txt

Compile your project

If you don't have the M3_CMAKE_MODULES var set (latest version of m3 software):


Then,you might want to get some useful FindXXX.cmake (for M3 system, Yamlccp, protobuf etc):

cd /path/to/your/project
git clone https://github.com/ahoarau/meka-cmake-modules.git

Then you can compile your project safely:

cd /path/to/your/project
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-std=C++0x" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

This will generate the following files:

  • libmycomponent.so: The library that needs to be loaded in m3. Generated in lib/
  • my_class.cc: The generated protobuf source file. Generated in build/
  • my_class.pb.h: The generated protobuf header. Generated in build/
  • my_class.pb.py: The generated protobuf python source. Generated in python/
  • setup.bash: A file that contains information about your package

Run your project

Let M3 knows there's an external path to check out (you should do that in all terminals you open):

source /path/to/your/project/setup.bash

Run the server as usual:


Your component should be at the top of the available components lists (default name is controller_example_v1).

Vizualize the robot in rviz :

roslaunch meka_description m3ens_viz.launch

Add a robot model and change 'fixed frame' to 'T0'. Now enable your component and see the robot moves:

# First load your project's environnement variables
source /path/to/your/project/setup.bash
cd /path/to/your/project/python/componentdir/mycontroller/
python mycontroller_example.py

Good luck !

Based on m3project_creator.py provided by Meka Robotics, LLC.

Maintainer: Antoine Hoarau hoarau.robotics@gmail.com