A utility for command line MaaS interrogation

kubernetes, k8s, development, kube-version-change, cat
pip install maasutil==0.0.14



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maas utility for a 1.8 maas region installation


Provide misc command line stuff for maas. The first one I need is the ability to determine the system_id given the machine name.


usage: maasutil.py [-h] [-u URL] [-k KEY] [-f FILENAME] [-t TEMPLATE]
                   [-c COMMAND] [-v] [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]

MaaS utility cli

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URL, --url URL     This is the maas url to connect to, default :
  -k KEY, --key KEY     This is the maas admin api key, default :null
                        This is the jinja2 template file :
  -t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
                        This is the jinja2 template text :
  -c COMMAND, --command COMMAND
                        This is the maas uri, e.g. /nodes/?op=list :
  -v, --version         this switch will just return the version and exit,
                        current version is : 0.0.19
                        Log level (DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL) default
                        is: INFO
  -s, --save            save select command line arguments (default is never)
                        in "/home/gfausak/.maasutil.conf" file

-t or -f MUST be specified, not both.


  • --url, the url to connect to the MaaS server. If this is running on the same machine as the MaaS server, then the default 'http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0' will be sufficient.
  • --key, this can be found on the MaaS gui console, pulldown the right hand side, user account, that page contains keys. You can create new keys as well.
  • --command, The actual MaaS api to execute. The command will return json, which is used by the template (so they must be paired).
  • --file, the file with the jinja2 template in it. or..
  • --template, the actual jinja2 template text
  • --help, the usage message is printed.
  • --version, print the version and exit
  • --loglevel, for debugging, default INFO.
  • --save, save current arguments to persistent file in home directory, this file will be read as if it came from the command line in subsequent invocations of this program. To remove it you have to remove the ~/.maasutil.conf file manually. The default is no save is done. By the way, SAVE IS INSECURE! It can right the command line 'KEY' to the file. You've been warned!


I needed a generic interface between the data that is returned by the MaaS api, and Ansible. For example, there are a couple of things I want to be able to do with Ansible.

  • Dynamic inventory (from maas)
  • Deploy machines (from maas)

To implement these types of plays in Ansible, I need a simple way of reaching into the MaaS api, prefereably on the command line, to access from Ansible playbooks. Rather than writing one script for each piece of data I needed, I decided to write a general REST api to template program. The REST api must return json. The template is a jinja2 template which can take arbitrarily json and convert it to any format. It can do filtering as well. So while this is written specifically for MaaS, it will work with any REST interface that returns json.


This uses the jinja2 templating system. The url/command that is run is expected to return json. Your jinja2 template is expected to take that json as input, and format the output accordingly. The template can be passed on the command line with a -t argument, or, the template can be stored in a file, which is referenced with a -f.


The easiest way is to use pypi.

pip install maasutil


In most of the examples I leave off the --key argument. That argument makes the command messy! To set arguments once, do something like this:

maasutil --save --key 'FbVzEwU4sKaD68cadK:W7L9xm9LgycyfrmdYD:DbSW7fhnYMj4qtMxE5tzHUnw7AtAg5NM' --url 'http://www.myspecial.com/MAAS/api/1.0'

This will set the default --key and --url, so subsequent commands will use those as if they were entered on the command line. This is pretty handy when doing adhoc stuff, you don't have to keep retyping it. However, it is insecure. The key is written to a file in the home directory of the executor, in a file called .maasutil.conf. It is a good idea to erase this file when you are done messing around.

Show the hostname, systemid and status

maasutil --command '/nodes/?op=list' --template '{% for h in src %}{{ h.hostname }}, {{ h.system_id }}, {{ h.status }}^M{% endfor %}'

and an example result:

hp-bottom.maas, node-01077d56-4cb9-11e5-ab4d-0800274e4167, 4
hp-top.maas, node-9d269970-4ff6-11e5-8444-0800274e4167, 4
hp-right.maas, node-3b57d712-4ff7-11e5-8444-0800274e4167, 6
hp-left.maas, node-3eb98f90-4ff7-11e5-8c49-0800274e4167, 4

You will need to know the json that is returned by the command. The MaaS api documentation will help with that. Just for completeness I will show what the command above returns, so the template will make a little more sense. This is a very basic example, the templates can gete arbitrarily complex.

        "ip_addresses": [
        "cpu_count": 8,
        "power_type": "amt",
        "tag_names": [
        "swap_size": null,
        "owner": null,
        "macaddress_set": [
                "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-01077d56-4cb9-11e5-ab4d-0800274e4167/macs/cc%3A3d%3A82%3A67%3Afe%3A3f/",
                "mac_address": "cc:3d:82:67:fe:3f"
                "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-01077d56-4cb9-11e5-ab4d-0800274e4167/macs/ec%3Ab1%3Ad7%3A46%3Ad7%3Afb/",
                "mac_address": "ec:b1:d7:46:d7:fb"
        "zone": {
            "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/1.0/zones/default/",
            "name": "default",
            "description": ""
        "hostname": "hp-bottom.maas",
        "storage": 500107,
        "system_id": "node-01077d56-4cb9-11e5-ab4d-0800274e4167",
        "boot_type": "fastpath",
        "memory": 16384,
        "disable_ipv4": false,
        "status": 4,
        "power_state": "off",
        "routers": [],
        "physicalblockdevice_set": [
                "name": "sda",
                "tags": [
                "id": 20,
                "id_path": "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x5000cca85ec51c83",
                "path": "/dev/sda",
                "model": "HGST HTS725050A7",
                "block_size": 4096,
                "serial": "RC250ACE0B7KTM",
                "size": 500107862016
        "pxe_mac": {
            "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-01077d56-4cb9-11e5-ab4d-0800274e4167/macs/ec%3Ab1%3Ad7%3A46%3Ad7%3Afb/",
            "mac_address": "ec:b1:d7:46:d7:fb"
        "netboot": true,
        "osystem": "",
        "substatus": 4,
        "architecture": "amd64/generic",
        "distro_series": "",
        "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-01077d56-4cb9-11e5-ab4d-0800274e4167/"
    ...and this repeats for each one...