
Python utilities for working with NVIDIA's MLOps infrastructure.

pip install maglev==0.0.1.post2


This library is now unmaintained! Do not use this package! Due to some architectural issues I have decided to rewrite this some time in the future as maglev2, stay tuned!


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🚧 Work-in-progress — not suitable for production 🚧

Super simple, template-based Async/IO web framework


If you haven't already, you should get python and pipenv (installation depends on operating system).

Maglev requires Python 3.5 or above. Check your python version by typing python3 -V.

$ mkdir test-project
$ cd test-project
$ pipenv install maglev

You should see Pipfile & Pipfile.lock. Do not touch these files; they are internal files used by pipenv for dependency resolution.


$ pipenv run maglev-serve

Maglev will read the ./pages folder. Every file with the extension .mako is mapped to a url (e.g. hello.mako becomes /hello and blog/hello.mako becomes /blog/hello). index.mako maps to / (index.mako in a subdirectory maps to the name of the subdirectory, e.g. blog/index.mako maps to /blog) and 404.mako maps to the 404 page. Any page starting with _ is ignored.

For additional help, type maglev-serve -h.

Pages are written with the Mako templating language. Information is available on the official website.