
MAKA Python for online script monitoring and control.

python, MAKA, monitoring, monitor
pip install maka==0.0.2


River Trace

Identifies rivers in satellite images and generates a profile of pixel values along its length.

Example river trace


Install from PYPI

pip install rivertrace

Install from GitHub

  • Clone the repository to your local machine using the command:

git clone

Note that the repository will be copied to your current working directory.

  • Use Python 3 and install the requirements with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The python version can be checked by running the command python --version. In case python is not installed or only an older version of it, it is recommend to install python through the anaconda distribution which can be downloaded here.


River trace can be used to find the shortest path through any 2D binary array where 1 represents water and 0 represents not water.

Basic Example (source)

import numpy as np
from rivertrace import trace
from rivertrace.functions import plot_matrix

square = np.zeros((20, 20), dtype=np.uint8)
square[0:2, 0:5] = 1
square[0:8, 5:8] = 1
square[6:9, 8:12] = 1
square[8:15, 10:14] = 1
square[15:20, 12:15] = 1
square[18:20, 15:20] = 1

path = trace(square, [0, 0], [19, 19])

for p in path:
    square[p[0], p[1]] = 2

plot_matrix(square, "Final path plotted on original data")

Satellite Imagery

River trace was primarily developed to trace river paths from satellite imagery. You can see an example here of how to extract data from a satellite image.

Below are the preparation steps for producing a turbidity long section using Sentinel 2 imagery.

  1. Download the Sentinel 2 image for your desired location and date.
  2. Use a processing algorithm to calculate your desired output parameter (e.g. Polymer, C2RCC, ACOLITE)
  3. Create a water classification band (e.g. NDWI, SWI)
  4. Import the band into python and convert to a binary array
  5. Use rivertrace to track the shortest path through the river network

How it works

River trace relies heavily on scikit-image for the initial morphological thinning of the binary matrix. This outputs a 1px wide "centerline" of available river sections.

This centerline is abstracted to nodes and edges and networkx is used to calculate the dijkstra (shortest) path through the network. This is the re-assembled as complete path. For some rivers there may be gaps in the water surface due to clouds/ bridges/ vegetation, so where a complete path is not avaialble the algorithm progressively allows greater and greater "jumps" between connected river sections.


See the following repository for examples of where river trace has been used to track river pollution events from tailings dam failures.