
Generate Manim animations for presentations using Reveal.js

animation, manim, presentation-tools, reveal-js
pip install manim-revealjs==0.0.3


[WIP] Manim and Reveal.js plugins for using mathematical animations in your slides

This project contains the required plugins to use the beautiful mathematical animations that are made possible by Manim in presentation slides made with Reveal.js. Manim was originally created by Grant Sanderson from the Youtube channel 3B1B which is well known for its pretty and clear mathematical animations.

(This is a fork of manim_slides which itself is a fork of manim_reveal. Both repositories were created with the same goal as this repository, but since they do not seem to be actively maintained I created this repo for my own use)

Update: The basic functionality is now implemented, but it has not been rigorously tested. There also are a number of nice animation playback types that you can choose from. Their functionality was copied from Christopher Besch's Manim web presenter project. More updates are expected in the coming weeks.


The Python package can be installed by running the command pip install manim-revealjs. To start using the Revealjs plugin in your slide deck you only need to include a <script src="manim.js">in your HTML file. The manim.js file can be found in the src/js_plugin directory of the repository. In the How to use section it will be explained how you can add generated videos to your slide deck.

Easy-to-use presentation template

This development repository contains a lot of code that is not needed if creating a presentation is all you want to do. To make it really easy to create a new presentation that uses manim-revealjs, I have provided a repository that you can clone. You can edit the slides in any way you want, and then you can simply use python's built-in HTTP server to start your presentation. It requires no installation and can be started in one line of code: python -m http.server. For further instructions please consult the repository's readme.


Once everything is installed you can run the demo that is provided in the example-presentation directory (read the README that is provided along with the other files).

How to use the plugins

To add Manim animations to your presentation you first need to render them. In order to make the integration with Reveal.js as smooth as possible you can use the Manim plugin's PresentationScene. There are no major differences with the normal Scene that you're used to, except for the PresentationScene's end_fragment() method. If this method is called in the scene's construct() method it means there will be a pause in the animation when it is displayed in the slide deck. Important: every construct() you define needs to end with an end_fragment() call to correctly handle the animation.

Once the animations have been rendered, you can link them in your slide deck. Here you have two options: either you display the animations fullscreen as the background of a slide, or you add them along with the rest of the objects in your slides.

If you want to go for the first option, the slide's <section> should be given the fv-background class (short for fragmented video class). Next you need to set its fv-video attribute to the video's url, and its fv-playback-info attribute to the url of the .json file that was generated when you rendered the video. (This last file contains the timestamps of the different fragments of your video).

If you want to go for the second option of embedding your video like any other slide content, you can simply add a <vid> element with some extra attributes. The src attribute should point to the video's url, just like for a normal video element. The fv-playback-info attribute should point to the generated .json file. Finally you should add the fv-video class so the plugin can find your video automatically.

The final thing that needs to be done is to tell Reveal to use the RevealManim plugin. All you need to do is to pass it into the plugin field when you're initializing Reveal:

    autoPlayMedia: false, //recommended setting, prevents all videos from playing automatically
    plugins: [ ..., RevealManim ]

Once you've done this you should be good to go! There are some more advanced options that you could look into such as animation looping, but this is all you need to add a simple animation to your slides.

Fragment types

The basic setup that was described in the last section should be plenty to get you up and running. If you want more control over how your animations are played during your presentation, such as putting your videos on a loop, then this is a good section to go through. The end_fragment() calls that define the video fragments can take an optional argument called fragment_type. It can take on a number of values, each of which is quickly described below.

NORMAL will play the fragment once from start to end. It's nothing special, but it's probably what you'll be using most of the time.

LOOP will continuously loop a fragment from start to end. This is useful when for turntables for example.

COMPLETE_LOOP is similar to a normal loop fragment, but there is a difference in how it handles interruptions. If you want to go to the next fragment in the middle of the loop, then this will block that. Instead the loop will go on until it reaches the fragment's end, and only then will the animation continue to play the next fragment. This is useful if you want the transitions between your fragments to be smooth, to prevent chaotic animations for example.

NO_PAUSE will play the fragment once from start to end like a normal fragment, and then it will immediately go on to the next fragment. This effect can be useful if you want to create an intro for a loop for example.