mapperr for mapping across dict and object, recursively

python, mapper, recursive, mapping
pip install mapperr==0.0.5


mapperr - mapping across dictionary and class object, recursively

If you are using python for implementing protocols, cache management, nosql or sql database manupilation with the object oriented concepts in your code, mapperr can handle your object in your way, easily.


via pip

pip3 install mapperr

via direct setup

pip3 install setuptools
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
pip3 install dist/mapperr-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl


Your classes' attributes are needed to be annotated with their types like int, str, Book, List[Book]. Parameterized constructors are not suitable, you can use it with plain objects which has most trash work. You can also fill your required options with param op_required as string list.

to_obj( dict_data: dict, destination_class: Type ) -> object

to_dict( obj: object ) -> dict

from typing import List
from pprint import pprint
from mapperr import to_dict, to_obj

class Book:
    _id: int
    title: str
    op_required: list = ['_id', 'title']

class BookShelf:
    code: str
    books: List[Book]

class Library:
    name: str
    book_shelfs: List[BookShelf]

def retrieve_library_from_the_source() -> dict:
    return {
        "name" : "Hogwarts Library",
        "book_shelfs" : [
                "code" : "A1",
                "books" : [
                    "_id" : 0,
                    "title" : "Defence Against the Dark Arts"
                    "_id" : 1,
                    "title" : "Potions"
                "code" : "A2",
                "books" : [
                    "_id" : 3,
                    "title" : "Charms"
                    "_id" : 4,
                    "title" : "Herbology"

def send_library_to_the_source(data: dict):

lib: Library = to_obj(retrieve_library_from_the_source(), Library)

new_book = Book()
new_book._id = 5
new_book.title = "Alchemy"


send_library_to_the_source( to_dict(lib) )

You can add your recursive type definitions into your class by using string variables and you can also use superclasses.

class Person:
    name: str
    identity: int
    age: int
    mother: 'Person'
    father: 'Person'
    friends: List['Person']

class Employee(Person):
    company_name: str