
Matlab to C++ transpiler

pip install matlab2cpp==2.0


Matlab2cpp is a semi-automatic tool for converting code from Matlab to C++.

Note that it is not meant as a complete tool for creating runnable C++ code. For example, the eval-function can not be supported because there is no general way to implement it in C++. Instead the program is aimed as a support tool, which aims at speed up the conversion process as much as possible for a user that needs to convert Matlab programs by hand anyway. The software does this by converting the basic structures of the Matlab-program (functions, branches, loops, etc.), adds variable declarations, and for some simple code, do a complete translation. And any problem the program encounters during conversion will be written in a log-file. From there manual conversions can be done by hand.

Currently, the code will not convert the large library collection of functions that Matlab currently possesses. However, there is no reason for the code not to support these features in time. The extension library is easy to extend.



  • Python 2.7.3
  • Armadillo (Not required for running, but generator creates armadillo code.)


  • Sphinx (for compiling documentation)
  • Argcomplete (for tab-completion support)


As root, run the following command::

$ python install

The executable ´mconvert´ is now available from path.


> Python install

The executable can freely be copied or be added to environmental variables manually (with or without the .py extension).


pip install sphinx
pip install sphinxcontrib-autoprogram
pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon
pip install sphinx-argparse


pip intall argcomplete

This only works for Bash and would require a restart of terminal emulator.

An illustrating Example

Assuming Linux installation and mconvert available in path. Code works analogous in Mac and Windows.

Consider a file example.m with the following content::

function y=f(x)
    y = x+4
function g()
    x = [1,2,3]

Run conversion on the file: ::

$ mconvert example.m

This will create two files: example.m.hpp and

In example.m.hpp, the translated C++ code is placed. It looks as follows::

#include <armadillo>
using namespace arma ;

  TYPE y ;
  y = x+4 ;
  return y ;

void g()
  TYPE x ;
  x = [1, 2, 3] ;
  f(x) ;

Matlab doesn't declare variables explicitly, so Matlab2cpp is unable to complete the translation. To create a full conversion, the variables must be declared. Declarations can be done in the file After the first run, it will look as follows::

# Supplement file
# Valid inputs:
# uint    int     float   double cx_double
# uvec    ivec    fvec    vec    cx_vec
# urowvec irowvec frowvec rowvec cx_rowvec
# umat    imat    fmat    mat    cx_mat
# ucube   icube   fcube   cube   cx_cube
# char    string  struct  structs func_lambda

functions = {
  "f" : {
    "y" : "",
    "x" : "",
  "g" : {
    "x" : "",
includes = [
  '#include <armadillo>',
  'using namespace arma ;',

In addition to defining includes at the bottom, it is possible to declare variables manually by inserting type names into the respective empty strings. However, some times it is possible to guess some of the variable types from context. To let the software try to guess variable types, run conversion with the -s flag::

$ mconvert example.m -s

The file will then automatically be populated with data types from context::

# ...

functions = {
  "f" : {
    "y" : "irowvec",
    "x" : "irowvec",
  "g" : {
    "x" : "irowvec",
includes = [
  '#include <armadillo>',
  'using namespace arma ;',

It will not always be successful and some of the types might in some cases be wrong. It is therefore also possible to adjust these values manually at any time.

Having run the conversion with the variables converted, creates a new output for example.m.hpp::

#include <armadillo>
using namespace arma ;

irowvec f(irowvec x)
  irowvec y ;
  y = x+4 ;
  return y ;

void g()
  irowvec x ;
  int _x [] = [1, 2, 3] ;
  x = irowvec(_x, 3, false) ;
  f(x) ;

This is valid and runnable C++ code. For such a small example, no manual adjustments were necesarry.