Tool for simulating MAVIS images

pip install mavisim==1.1.17



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Image simulating tool for the next generation ESO instrument MAVIS. If you use MAVISIM please cite Monty et al. 2021.

Current Version

1.1 - EtE PSF - more accurate representation of the PSF, suitable for photometric and astrometric science cases

Documentation can be found here

Past Versions

1.0 - Fourier PSF - fast, most flexibility for astrometric modeling

Documentation can be found here

General Features

  1. Can simulate full stellar field (eg. Milky Way Globular Cluster) from an input catalogue
  2. Models three major sources of astrometric error introduced by the AO system:
    1. Tip-tilt residuals originating from uncorrected LO aberrations (dependent on the NGS constellation brightness and geometry) field variable
    2. HO aberrations originating from the LGS constellation and characteristics field variable
    3. Static field distortion originating from the AO module optics

Current Limitations

  1. Monochromatic images only
  2. Only compatible with input point source catalogues only

Future Versions

MAVISIM 1.2: Broadband End-to-End PSF

Broadband images! Starting with the V band


Extended object version, not yet in development.