
A MongoDB, Sacred, and Omniboard helper.

pip install mdbh==0.5


mdbh - A Python module and guidelines for using Sacred with MongoDB.

This repository holds mostly two purposes:

First, it provides a Python module together with some CLI scripts to ease the usage of MongoDB together with Sacred and Omniboard, filling a low-level gap. Whereas Omniboard is well suited to quickly explore data and compare Sacred experiments, it is not meant for more complex data visualization and low-level database access. This can for example be useful when preparing print-quality plots.

Second, it provides a Wiki to collect guidelines on how to use Sacred with MongoDB, Omniboard and mdbh. In particular, a multi-user, multi-database setup with password restriction and controlled read/write access to multiple databases is provided. This Wiki is not meant to be exhaustive, but shall get you started with your own setup.

Note: This is still somewhat under development.



TODO: Deploy to PyPi

Install via PyPi using pip

pip install mdbh


The MongoDB instance configuration is done using one (or multiple) configuration files which simply store the server IP, port and possible the username, password and authentication methods and database names. See the examples folder for an example.

By default, it is assumed the this configuration file can be found under
