Powerful library to manipulate meshes and fields

salome, mesh, numerical, simulation
pip install medcoupling==9.11.0



travis pypi

This repository provides a Python repackaging of the latest version (9.7.0) of the MEDCoupling library via a Python file setup.py and hence installable via pip.

The initial purpose of this redistribution is to mainly use the remapping algorithms of MEDCoupling (see pymapping and paraview-mapping). Hence the following MEDCoupling functionalities are NOT supported

  • MED file reading/writing via MEDLoader, so the MED-file library is not required (MEDCOUPLING_MICROMED=ON)
  • Parallel functionalities (MEDCOUPLING_ENABLE_PARTITIONER=OFF)
  • Renumbering (MEDCOUPLING_ENABLE_RENUMBER=OFF), which depends on boost


The version of this package (on PyPI) follows that of MEDCoupling. For MEDCoupling 9.7.0 for instance, we use

v9.7.0r1, v9.7.0r2, ...

to designate all PyPI releases based on MEDCoupling 9.7.0. The suffix r[x] is included (abusively, since according to PEP 440 it is for post releases) for possible bug fixes coming from this package.

Installation from PyPI

To install MEDCoupling, you can now simply do

pip install -U medcoupling

Binary wheels are available for 64-bit Windows (win_amd64), Linux-like platforms (manylinux2014_x86_64) and macOS (macosx_10_11_x86_64).

To assure that MEDCoupling is well installed, try importing it in your Python

import medcoupling  # should not raise error

Building from source

Running python setup.py install or pip install . will

  1. Download the source code of MEDCoupling from salome-platform.org
  2. Build the C++ / Python libraries using cmake and swig
  3. Distribute and install generated files using setuptools

The building process has been tested under Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2019, under Ubuntu 18.04 with gcc 7.4, under the manylinux2014 platform and under macOS 10.15.

Uploading to PyPI

To upload source and binary wheels to PyPI, type

# Source
python setup.py sdist

# Binary on Windows
python setup.py bdist_wheel --plat-name win_amd64

# Binary on Linux
python3 setup.py bdist_wheel --plat-name manylinux2014_x86_64

# Binary on macOS
python3 setup.py bdist_wheel --plat-name macosx_10_11_x86_64

# Upload to PyPI
python -m twine upload dist/*


MEDCoupling, and hence this repository are published under LGPL 2.1.

Repository author

Tianyi Li tianyikillua@gmail.com