
An alternative theme for Plone 5.

web, zope, plone, theme
pip install medialog.bergensiana==0.2.4


Bergenisana, a theme for Plone 5

Espen Moe-Nilssen

A Plone theme by Espen Moe-Nilssen

This is a theming product for Plone 5

It is in beta, but since there are no other Plone 5 themes I have decided to release it

  1. Install the theme
  2. Configure E-mail
  3. Configure Settings in Medialog Control Panel For the googlemap, you need the embed URL
  4. Go to the front page with a browser that is NOT logged in
  5. Decide which parts you dont want on your site / front-page
  6. If you dont want the 'More services part', delete the 'More services' folder, if you dont want the portefolio, delete the 'Portefolio' folder
  7. Add / edit stuff in folders
  8. If you need the extra portlets managers, there are two more profiles which you can install from /portal_setup
  9. To change the icons you will have to enable iconpicker behavior for the content type

Note of warning: As this is still beta, adding subfolders etc. in folders might give you errors. Manage portlets: Top portlets is not working yet. Do not rebuild LESS

Note of warning: As this is still beta, adding subfolders etc. in folders might give you errors. Manage portlets: Top portlets is not working yet. Do not rebuild LESS