
A python3 reference implementation of an UbiCast MediaServer API client

api, client, mediaserver, nudgis, ubicast
pip install mediaserver-api-client==4.3


PyPI - Python Version PyPI


A python3 reference implementation of an UbiCast Nudgis API client. Nudgis was called MediaServer in the past but the internal name of Nudgis is still MediaServer.


git python >= 3.9 (download the latest stable release from


  • python3-venv


Linux & OSX

For development, the package can be installed in editable mode to allow changes on it :

git clone
cd mediaserver-client/
python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate  # remember to run this every time you enter the folder and need to restore the environment
python3 -m pip install --editable .

If you want to install it system-wide as dependency, the releases are available on pypi:

pip install mediaserver-api-client


  • Open cmd.exe and check python is available with py --version which should display the Python version
>py --version
Python 3.11.1
  • From this project root path, run:
> py -m venv .env
> ".env/Scripts/activate.bat"
> pip install .
  • Check it works with:
>py -m examples.ping_server
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
  File "C:\Users\User\src\mediaserver-client\examples\", line 17, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\User\src\mediaserver-client\ms_client\", line 221, in api
    result = self.request(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\User\src\mediaserver-client\ms_client\", line 98, in request
  File "C:\Users\User\src\mediaserver-client\ms_client\", line 71, in check_conf
  File "C:\Users\User\src\mediaserver-client\ms_client\lib\", line 87, in check_conf
    raise ConfigurationError('The value of "SERVER_URL" is not set. Please configure it.')
ms_client.lib.configuration.ConfigurationError: The value of "SERVER_URL" is not set. Please configure it.

Despite the error above, it shows that the installation is complete.


Copy the provided config.json.example file into e.g. myconfig.json, edit it with a text editor and fill the URL and API KEY.

  • Check it works with:


$ python3 ./examples/ myconfig.json
{'success': True, 'mediaserver': '11.1.1'}


$ py ./examples/ myconfig.json
{'success': True, 'mediaserver': '11.1.1'}

Client class instantiation

The client class (ms_client.client.MediaServerClient) takes two arguments:

  • local_conf: This argument can be either a dict, a path (str object) or a unix user (unix:msuser for example) -- only aplicable from running scripts from within the server running mediaserver (Nudgis). The default value is None, which means no configuration.
  • setup_logging: This argument must be a boolean. If set to True, the logging to console will be configured. The default value is True.


You can see available parameters in the default configuration file : Default configuration

The local configuration must be a json file.


Start/Stop a live

from ms_client.client import MediaServerClient
msc = MediaServerClient(local_conf='your-conf.json')

response = msc.api('/lives/prepare', method='post')
if response['success']:
    oid = response['oid']
    rtmp_uri = response['publish_uri']

    print(oid, rtmp_uri)

    print(msc.api('/lives/start', method='post', data={'oid': oid}))

    print(msc.api('/lives/stop', method='post', data={'oid': oid}))

Remove all users function

from ms_client.client import MediaServerClient
msc = MediaServerClient(local_conf='your-conf.json')

def remove_all_users():
    print('Remove all users')
    users = msc.api('/users')['users']

    for user in users:
        msc.api('/users/delete', method='get', params={'id': user['id']})

Add media with a video, make it published at once

from ms_client.client import MediaServerClient
msc = MediaServerClient(local_conf='your-conf.json')

print(msc.add_media('Test multichunk upload mp4', file_path='test.mp4', validated='yes', speaker_email=''))

Create user personal channel and upload into it

from ms_client.client import MediaServerClient
msc = MediaServerClient(local_conf='your-conf.json')

personal_channel_oid = msc.api('/channels/personal/', method='get', params={'email': ''}).get('oid')

respone_like = {
    'slug': 'testtestcom_05881',
    'oid': 'c125855df7d36iudslp3',
    'dbid': 113,
    'title': '',
    'success': True
if personal_channel_oid:
    print('Uploading to personal channel %s' % personal_channel_oid)

    print(msc.add_media('Test multichunk upload mp4', file_path='test.mp4', validated='yes', speaker_email='', channel=personal_channel_oid))

Add media with a zip

from ms_client.client import MediaServerClient
msc = MediaServerClient(local_conf='your-conf.json')

print(msc.add_media('Test multichunk upload zip', file_path='/tmp/'))

Add a user

from ms_client.client import MediaServerClient
msc = MediaServerClient(local_conf='your-conf.json')

print(msc.api('users/add/', method='post', data={'email': ''}))

Add users with csv file; example file (header should be included):

users.csv :

from ms_client.client import MediaServerClient
msc = MediaServerClient(local_conf='your-conf.json')


Add an annotation

from ms_client.client import MediaServerClient
msc = MediaServerClient(local_conf='your-conf.json')

print(msc.api('annotations/post', params={'oid': 'v125849d470d7v92kvtc', 'time': 1000}))

Get Chapters

from ms_client.client import MediaServerClient
msc = MediaServerClient(local_conf='your-conf.json')

print(msc.api('annotations/chapters/list', params={'oid': 'v125849d470d7v92kvtc'}))

Get annotations types list and print chapters id

from ms_client.client import MediaServerClient
msc = MediaServerClient(local_conf='your-conf.json')

response = msc.api('annotations/types/list', params={'oid': 'v125849d470d7v92kvtc'})
for a in response['types']:
    if a['slug'] == 'chapter':