
Tools for reading, writing, and editing Mekorama level QR Codes

pip install mekoramaqr==0.1.0



MekoramaQR allows managing Mekorama level QR Codes, including reading, modifying and writing. It is a Python 2.7 project as it relies on zbar library (not available from Python 3). Everything still in progress and needs to be improved.


It is to be used as a console only program (CLI). From the repo, and once all dependencies are satisfied, run the mekoramaqr module:

$ python2 -m mekoramaqr -h
usage: [-h] [-j JSON] [-r RAW] [-c CODE] [--qr QR] qrimage

Decode Mekorama levels

positional arguments:
  qrimage               Image file containing a QR Code for a level

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j JSON, --json JSON  Output json description
  -r RAW, --raw RAW     Output compressed QR data
  -c CODE, --code CODE  Output uncompressed level data
  --qr QR               Re-write level data to QR Code


Depending on you're using virtualenv or not things could be different. the requirements.txt file is an indication on what is needed but not sufficient for some dependencies. I assume that you are using a Linux system such as Ubuntu/Debian. From Windows things are possible but more difficult. In such a case it would be quite interesting to activate the new Linux Subsystem if on Windows 10.

Here is the prerequisite installation for some specific modules:

  • Installing numpy
$ sudo apt install python-dev
$ pip install numpy
  • Installing zbar
$ sudo apt-get install libzbar-dev
$ pip install zbar
  • Note that on Mac OSX, the following patched version of zbar is required:
$ pip install git+

When basic dependencies are installed it is time to complete them with

$ pip install -r requirements.txt