Client library of Python, connect application code or hardware to netpie platform.

netpie, iot, mqtt
pip install microgear==1.2.7



microgear- python is a client library for Python The library is used to connect application code or hardware with the NETPIE Platform's service for developing IoT applications. For more details on the NETPIE Platform, please visit .

Outgoing Network Port

Make sure ther following ports are allowed to connect from your network.

  • Non-TLS mode : 8080 and 1883 (microgear-python uses this mode by default)
  • TLS mode : 8081 and 8883


$ pip install microgear

Usage Example

import microgear.client as microgear
import logging
import time

appid = <appid>
gearkey = <gearkey>
gearsecret =  <gearsecret>

microgear.create(gearkey,gearsecret,appid,{'debugmode': True})

def connection():"Now I am connected with netpie")

def subscription(topic,message):" "+message)

def disconnect():"disconnected")

microgear.on_connect = connection
microgear.on_message = subscription
microgear.on_disconnect = disconnect

More examples

Library Usage




  • gearkey string - is used as a microgear identity
  • gearsecret string - comes in a pair with gearkey. The secret is used for authentication and integrity.
  • appid string - defines a group of application that microgear is part of
  • args dictionary - sets additional options for microgear
    • debugmode boolean - show debug messages
    • scope string - This can be specified when the microgear needs additional rights beyond default scope. If the scope is specified, it may need an approval from the Application ID's owner for each request. The scope format is the concatenation of strings in the following forms, separated with commas:
      • [r][w]:</topic/path> - r and w is the right to publish and subscribe topic as specified such as rw:/outdoor/temp
      • name:<gearname> - is the right to name the <gearname>
      • chat:<gearname> - is the right to chat with <gearname>
    • alias string - defines a name for this microgear. The name will appear on the key management page at the website This name can be use in the chat() function.

In the key generation process on the web, the developer can specify basic rights to each key. If the creation of microgear is within right scope, a token will be automatically issued, and the microgear can be connected to NETPIE immediately. However, if the requested scope is beyond the specified right, the developer will recieve a notification to approve a microgear's connection. Note that if the microgear has operations beyond its right (e.g., pulishing to the topic that it does not has the right to do so), NETPIE will automatically disconnect the microgear. In case that APPKEY is used as a gearkey, the developer can ignore this attribute since by default the APPKEY will gain all rights as the ownwer of the app.

gearkey = <gearkey>
gearsecret =  <gearsecret>
appid = <appid>

microgear.create(gearkey,gearsecret,appid, {'debugmode': True, 'scope': "r:/outdoor/temp,w:/outdoor/valve,name:logger,chat:plant", 'alias': "logger"})

microgear.connect(will_block): microgear connection


  • will_block boolean - (optional)specifies connection type whether to block after this function. The default value is False so the program will execute the next line after microgear is connected to the platform. For example,
while True:"doraemon","Hello world. "+str(int(time.time())))

If you want the library to Block after being connected to the platform, you could wait for specified events using callback (on_*). In this case, use the argument True for this function. For example,


microgear.setalias(alias): microgear can set its own alias, which to be used for others make a function call chat(). The alias will appear on the key management portal of .


  • alias string - name of this microgear

microgear.setname(gearname): microgear can set its own name to use with chat() This function is deprecated. Please use setalias() instead


  • gearname string - name of this microgear
microgear.setname("python");, message): sending a message to a specified gearname


  • gearname string - name of microgear to which to send a message.
  • message string - message to be sent."html","hello from python");

microgear.publish(topic, message, retain): In the case that the microgear want to send a message to an unspecified receiver, the developer can use the function publish to the desired topic, which all the microgears that subscribe such topic will receive a message.


  • topic string - name of topic to be send a message to.
  • message string - message to be sent.
  • args dictionary - sets additional options for microgear
    • retain boolean - retain a message or not (the default is False) If True, the message is kept. To remove the retained message, publish an empty message or "" which is a message with length 0.

microgear.subscribe(topic) microgear may be interested in some topic. The developer can use the function subscribe() to subscribe a message belong to such topic. If the topic used to retain a message, the microgear will receive a message everytime it subscribes that topic.


  • topic string - name of the topic to send a message to. Should start with "/".

microgear.resettoken() For deleting Token in cache and on the platform. If deleted, need to get a new Token for the next connection.


microgear.writeFeed(feedid, data, apikey): write time series data to a feed storage


  • feedid string - name of the feed
  • data dict – data dict
  • apikey string - apikey for authorization. If apikey is not specified, you will need to allow the AppID to access feed and then the default apikey will be assigned automatically.
data = {"field1":random.randint(1, 10),"field2":random.randint(1, 10),"field3":random.randint(1, 10)}

microgear.useTLS(tlsmode): Enable or disable TLS. For microgear-python, TLS is disabled by default.


  • tlsmode boolean - True or False


An application that runs on a microgear is an event-driven type, which responses to various events with the callback function in a form of event function call:

microgear.on_connect This event is created when the microgear library successfully connects to the NETPIE platform.

Parameter set

  • callback function - A function to execute after getting connected
def callback_connect() :
	print "Now I am connected with netpie"
microgear.on_ connect = callback_connect

microgear.on_disconnect This event is created when the microgear library disconnects the NETPIE platform.

Parameter set

  • callback function - A function to execute after getting disconnected
def callback_disconnect() :
	print "Disconnected”
microgear.on_disconnect = callback_disconnect

microgear.on_message When there is an incomming message from chat or from subscribed topic. This event is created with the related information to be sent via the callback function.

Parameter set

  • callback function - A function to execute after getting a message. It takes 2 arguments.
    • topic - The subscribed topic that he message belongs to.
    • message - The received message.
def callback_message(topic, message) :
  print "I got message from ", topic, ": ", message
microgear.on_message= callback_message

microgear.on_present This event is created when there is a microgear under the same appid appears online to connect to NETPIE.

Parameter set

  • callback function - A function to executed after this event. It takes 1 argument.
    • gearkey - The gearkey related to this event.
def callback_present(gearkey) :
	print gearkey+" become online."
microgear.on_present = callback_present

microgear.on_absent This event is created when the microgear under the same appid appears offline.

Parameter set

  • callback function - A function to executed after this event. It takes 1 argument.
    • gearkey - The gearkey related to this event.
def callback_absent(gearkey) :
	print gearkey+" become offline."
microgear.on_absent = callback_absent

microgear.on_warning This event is created when some event occurs, and a warning message will be notified.

Parameter set

  • callback function - A function to executed after this event. It takes 1 argument.
    • msg - A message related to this event.
def callback_warning(msg) :
	print msg
microgear.on_warning = callback_warning

microgear.on_info This event is created when there is some event occurs within a microgear

Parameter set

  • callback function - A function to executed after this event. It takes 1 argument.
    • msg - A message related to this event.
def callback_info(msg) :
	print msg
microgear.on_info = callback_info

microgear.on_error This event is created when an error occurs within a microgear.

Parameter set

  • callback function - A function to executed after this event. It takes 1 argument.
    • msg - An error message related to this event.
def callback_error(msg) :
	print msg
microgear.on_error = callback_error