
Very stripped down version of Scott Griffith's Bitstring package.

pip install micropython-bitstring==0.1.2


bitstring module (MicroPython version)

micropython-bitstring is a stripped-down version of the Bitstring package by Scott Griffiths that works with MicroPython. It defines a single class Bits for the creation of binary strings. Binary strings created with this module are compatible with the original Bitstring module.


from ubitstring import Bits
s = Bits(float=3.1415, length=32) + Bits(uint=15, length=4) + Bits(bool=True)
assert len(s) == 32 + 4 + 1

The Bits class

The Bits class is a simplified version of the Bits class of the same name of the original Bitstring package. The focus is on the creation of binary strings, for instance in IoT devices.

The auto and filename keyword arguments have been removed and only the functionality shown in the example below is supported:

a = Bits(int=-31111, length=32)
b = Bits(int=-31111, length=32)

assert a.len == 32

assert a.int == -31111
assert a.hex == 'ffff8679'
assert a.bin == '11111111111111111000011001111001'
assert a.bytes == b'\xff\xff\x86y'

assert a.all(True, [1,2,3,4]) is True
assert a.all(True, [30]) is False

assert a.any(True, [0,30]) is True
assert a.any(True, [29,30]) is False

assert a.count(1) == 24
assert a.count(0) == 8

assert a.tobytes() == b'\xff\xff\x86y'
assert a[-4:].bin == '1001'

assert a == b

c = a + b
assert c.hex == 'ffff8679ffff8679'

The bitstring module has been released as open source under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2016 Scott Griffiths

For more information see the project's homepage on GitHub: <https://github.com/scott-griffiths/bitstring>

The MicroPython version has been created by Markus Juenemann: <https://github.com/mjuenema/micropython-bitstring>