
A package for micropalaeontological statisics with a Qt5 gui. Launched with microstatistics-start. Requires installation through pip3.

pip install microstatistics==0.5.5


A package for micropalaeontological statisics with a Qt5 gui. Also available on pip; launched with microstatistics-start.


A Python 3 package for ecological, paleoecological and micropaleontological statistical indices with a Qt5 GUI. Available through pip, as the package "microstatistics". For further information, please consult the following article:


The software has a number of dependencies, namely PyQt5, used for the interface, xlrd used to process the input files, as well as pandas, scipy, and sklearn.


Installation is done through pip and launched using a script, microstatistics-start. See below for OS specific instructions.


Odds are your specific GNU/Linux distribution already has Python 3 installed, but does not include pip. Install Python 3 pip using your specific package manager, and then install microStatistics. On Ubuntu, this would be:

sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install microstatistics

Once installed, microstatistics-start will launch the software. An easy way to keep the program handy is to make a bash file, such as microstatistics.sh, containing just the launch command as one line, microstatistics-start, and making the file executable.


Please make sure you have Python 3 and pip installed from the official website. Afterwards, using a terminal window, the install command is simply:

pip install microstatistics

Once installed, the terminal command microstatistics-start will launch the software. An easy way to keep the program handy is to make a bash file, such as microstatistics.sh containing just the launch command as one line, microstatistics-start, and making the file executable.


Please make sure you have Python 3 and pip installed from the official website. Afterwards, open a powershell window and install the program using the following command:

pip install microstatistics

During installation, in the powershell window, a prompt will appear telling the user that scripts will not be available in powershell, as they are not included in the PATH, and provide a path string to where the microstatistics-start script is stored.

Using said script, it is possible to create a shortcut to the script by creating a shortcut to powershell.exe and modifying the target to include the path to the startup script:

powershell.exe -File "[REPLACE WITH YOUR PATH]\microstatistics-start.py"

Afterwards, the shortcut should launch the program.


This project is licensed under the GNU GPL3. See LICENSE.md file for additional details.