
Serialize and transport multipart semi-structured objects in a reflexive way close to standards.

pip install mimejson==0.1.0


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MIMEJSON is a minimal extension to JSON to allow to perform serialisation and transport of large MULTIPART objects in an intelligent fashion. This is particularly suitable for the transfer of large complex multimedia/scientific data.

The issue with multipart and binary data and JSON

JSON has became an ubiquitous standard to transmit structured objects between computers. However, it is not suitable to serialise all types of object: It does not apply to images, video, and other binary objects such as large matrices, and cannot apply easily to any object that contain such an element.

The natural way of solving this limitation is to give an external link to the external object, however currently there is no way to properly detect these links and to decide how these must serialised or deserialised. Consequently, the transmissions of JSON containing references to other objects is often handled in an ad hoc way.


MIMEJSON allow to introduce reference to binary objects in documents by introducing object with a $mimetype$ key and $path$ and $length$ can then be used to indicate the client where to find the other part of the object. The mimetype provide the essential information required to serialises/deserialises the objects using a specific mimetype handlers. By default, the files are stored in the folder (local or remote) as the JSON object being read.


MIMEJSON also allow your data to refer to explicit schema.

Supported datatypes

The MIMEJSON library is designed to be extensible.

The MIMEJSON library has an engine that allows to associate to mimetypes specific serialisers / deserialisers: each application can get serialised data deserialised to the type it prefers.

The current version includes support for PIL and OpenCV.


#!/usr/bin/env python
import mimejson

import PIL.Image

# the multimedia data that we want to serialise

## serialisation using local filesystem
with mimejson.MIMEJSON() as mj:
  print "original object", data
  print "serialised object",r
  print "reconstructed object", rdata

The output of this program is :

original object {'image': <PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=RGBA size=44x44 at 0x7FD73ECAF6C8>}
serialised object {"image": {"$path$": "/home/user/mimejson/.mjson-23176/a4a0f794-3e64-11e4-b2f2-902b34a1ef7b.png","$mimetype$": "image/png", "$length$": 2063}}
reconstructed object {u'image': <PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=RGBA size=44x44 at 0x7FD73E0EF128>}

Upload to servers and mimejson compatible APIs

The MIMEJSON library can also upload forms via HTTP and HTTPS. The current protocol transmit via the POST method all the variables of the base document. Variables that are documents are serialised to MIMEJSON. Multimedia object that are encoded as files are uploaded via a multipart form.


MIMEJSON is currently at the state of a proposal. It has been tested in a few projects and fits nicely our internal needs. We are looking for feedbacks to know if it corresponds to your needs as well.

Currenlty, only PYTHON is supported. We believe it should be reasonably easy to implement similar extension libraries in languages like : Ruby, Java, or C#.


Please check the source code and the PDF documentation for more details about the current implementation.


MIMEJSON is released under a BSD-style license.

About us

MIMEJSON is developed and supported by WIDE IO LTD .


If you are using tox to run the tests - please ensure to put numpy in the pip cache using pip wheel numpy.