
Mindbody Public API v6 (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)

Swagger, MINDBODY, Public, API
pip install mindbody-api==1.0.4



No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: v6
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git)

Then import the package:

import mindbody_api 


Install via Setuptools.

python setup.py install --user

(or sudo python setup.py install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import mindbody_api

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import mindbody_api
from rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = AppointmentApi(ApiClient(configuration))
request = AddAppointmentRequest() # AddAppointmentRequest | 
site_id = 'site_id_example' # str | ID of the site from which to pull data.
version = 'version_example' # str | 
authorization = '' # str | A staff user authorization token. (optional) (default to )

    # Book a new appointment.
    api_response = api_instance.appointment_add_apppointment(request, site_id, version, authorization=authorization)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AppointmentApi->appointment_add_apppointment: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://api.mindbodyonline.com

Class Method HTTP request Description
AppointmentApi appointment_add_apppointment POST /public/v{version}/appointment/addappointment Book a new appointment.
AppointmentApi appointment_get_active_session_times GET /public/v{version}/appointment/activesessiontimes Get active session times.
AppointmentApi appointment_get_appointment_options GET /public/v{version}/appointment/appointmentoptions Get appointment-related settings.
AppointmentApi appointment_get_bookable_items GET /public/v{version}/appointment/bookableitems Get staff appointment availability.
AppointmentApi appointment_get_schedule_items GET /public/v{version}/appointment/scheduleitems Get appointment schedule.
AppointmentApi appointment_get_staff_appointments GET /public/v{version}/appointment/staffappointments Get appointments grouped by staff member.
AppointmentApi appointment_update_apppointment POST /public/v{version}/appointment/updateappointment Update an existing appointment.
ClassApi class_add_client_to_class POST /public/v{version}/class/addclienttoclass Book a client into a class.
ClassApi class_get_class_descriptions GET /public/v{version}/class/classdescriptions Get class descriptions.
ClassApi class_get_class_schedules GET /public/v{version}/class/classschedules Get class schedules.
ClassApi class_get_class_visits GET /public/v{version}/class/classvisits Get information about clients booked in a class.
ClassApi class_get_classes GET /public/v{version}/class/classes Get scheduled classes.
ClassApi class_get_waitlist_entries GET /public/v{version}/class/waitlistentries Get waiting list entries.
ClassApi class_remove_client_from_class POST /public/v{version}/class/removeclientfromclass Remove a client from a class.
ClassApi class_remove_from_waitlist POST /public/v{version}/class/removefromwaitlist Remove a client from a waiting list.
ClassApi class_substitute_class_teacher POST /public/v{version}/class/substituteclassteacher Substitute a class teacher.
ClientApi client_add_arrival POST /public/v{version}/client/addarrival Add an arrival for a client.
ClientApi client_add_client POST /public/v{version}/client/addclient Add a client to a site.
ClientApi client_add_contact_log POST /public/v{version}/client/addcontactlog Add a contact log to a client's account.
ClientApi client_get_active_client_memberships GET /public/v{version}/client/activeclientmemberships Get a client's active memberships.
ClientApi client_get_client_account_balances GET /public/v{version}/client/clientaccountbalances Get account balance information for one or more client(s).
ClientApi client_get_client_contracts GET /public/v{version}/client/clientcontracts Get contracts that a client has purchased.
ClientApi client_get_client_formula_notes GET /public/v{version}/client/clientformulanotes Get a client's formula notes.
ClientApi client_get_client_indexes GET /public/v{version}/client/clientindexes Get a site's configured client indexes and client index values.
ClientApi client_get_client_purchases GET /public/v{version}/client/clientpurchases Get a client's purchase history.
ClientApi client_get_client_referral_types GET /public/v{version}/client/clientreferraltypes Get a site's configured client referral types.
ClientApi client_get_client_services GET /public/v{version}/client/clientservices Get pricing options that a client has purchased.
ClientApi client_get_client_visits GET /public/v{version}/client/clientvisits Get a client's visit history.
ClientApi client_get_clients GET /public/v{version}/client/clients Get clients.
ClientApi client_get_contact_logs GET /public/v{version}/client/contactlogs Get contact logs on a client's account.
ClientApi client_get_cross_regional_client_associations GET /public/v{version}/client/crossregionalclientassociations Get a client's cross regional site associations.
ClientApi client_get_custom_client_fields GET /public/v{version}/client/customclientfields Get a site's configured custom client fields.
ClientApi client_get_required_client_fields GET /public/v{version}/client/requiredclientfields Get client required fields for a site.
ClientApi client_send_password_reset_email POST /public/v{version}/client/sendpasswordresetemail Send a password reset email to a client.
ClientApi client_update_client POST /public/v{version}/client/updateclient Update a client at a site.
ClientApi client_update_client_service POST /public/v{version}/client/updateclientservice Update a client's purchase pricing option.
ClientApi client_update_client_visit POST /public/v{version}/client/updateclientvisit Update a client's visit.
ClientApi client_update_contact_log POST /public/v{version}/client/updatecontactlog Update a contact log on a client's account.
ClientApi client_upload_client_document POST /public/v{version}/client/uploadclientdocument Upload a document to a client's profile.
ClientApi client_upload_client_photo POST /public/v{version}/client/uploadclientphoto Upload a profile photo to a client's profile.
EnrollmentApi enrollment_add_client_to_enrollment POST /public/v{version}/enrollment/addclienttoenrollment Book a client into an enrollment.
EnrollmentApi enrollment_get_enrollments GET /public/v{version}/enrollment/enrollments Get enrollments scheduled at a site.
PayrollApi payroll_get_class_payroll GET /public/v{version}/payroll/classes Get class payroll for staff members.
PayrollApi payroll_get_time_clock GET /public/v{version}/payroll/timeclock Get time card payroll for staff members.
SaleApi sale_checkout_shopping_cart POST /public/v{version}/sale/checkoutshoppingcart Purchase pricing options, packages, retail products, or tips for a client.
SaleApi sale_get_accepted_card_types GET /public/v{version}/sale/acceptedcardtypes Get credit cards types that a site accepts.
SaleApi sale_get_contracts GET /public/v{version}/sale/contracts Get contracts available for purchase at a site.
SaleApi sale_get_custom_payment_methods GET /public/v{version}/sale/custompaymentmethods Get payment methods that can be used to pay for sales at a site.
SaleApi sale_get_gift_cards GET /public/v{version}/sale/giftcards Get gift cards available for purchase at a site.
SaleApi sale_get_packages GET /public/v{version}/sale/packages Get packages available for purchase at a site.
SaleApi sale_get_products GET /public/v{version}/sale/products Get retail products available for purchase at a site.
SaleApi sale_get_sales GET /public/v{version}/sale/sales Get sales completed at a site.
SaleApi sale_get_services GET /public/v{version}/sale/services Get pricing options available for purchase at a site
SaleApi sale_purchase_contract POST /public/v{version}/sale/purchasecontract Purchase a contract for a client.
SaleApi sale_purchase_gift_card POST /public/v{version}/sale/purchasegiftcard Purchase a gift card for a client.
SiteApi site_get_activation_code GET /public/v{version}/site/activationcode Get an activation code for a site.
SiteApi site_get_locations GET /public/v{version}/site/locations Get locations for a site.
SiteApi site_get_programs GET /public/v{version}/site/programs Get service categories offered at a site.
SiteApi site_get_resources GET /public/v{version}/site/resources Get resources used at a site.
SiteApi site_get_session_types GET /public/v{version}/site/sessiontypes Get the session types used at a site.
SiteApi site_get_sites GET /public/v{version}/site/sites Get all sites that can be accessed by an API Key.
StaffApi staff_get_staff GET /public/v{version}/staff/staff Get staff members at a site.
StaffApi staff_get_staff_permissions GET /public/v{version}/staff/staffpermissions Get configured staff permissions for a staff member.
UserTokenApi user_token_issue POST /public/v{version}/usertoken/issue Get a staff user token.
UserTokenApi user_token_revoke DELETE /public/v{version}/usertoken/revoke Revoke a user token.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: API-Key
  • Location: HTTP header
