
a mkdocs theme for generate pdf or printing

pip install mkdocs-theme-topdf==0.5.0



a mkdocs theme to generate pdf or print.


Prerequiresites/ Dependency

This plugin aim to use these softwares

  • mkdocs (convert markdown to html)
  • paged.js (to generate pdf, page borders and page headers)
  • node.js (to generate pdf, for pagedjs-cli)

Installation - this plugin

Install this package with pip.

from PyPi

pip install mkdocs-theme-topdf

from github

pip install git+

Installation - paged.js

so paged.js uses node.js and portable chrome, it is separate from mkdocs theme.

to prepare paged.js, follow these method.

from this plugin

python -m topdf --check
> ... check node.js and npm ...
python -m topdf --setup
> ... install take long time ...
python -m topdf --test
> output report-3stamps.pdf

from manual

$ npm install pagedjs-cli
... take long time ...
$ ./node_modules/.bin/pagedjs-cli
... paged.js message ...

How to use


to use mkdocs theme see material theme documentation

setup mkdocs.yml

change mkdocs.yml to use this plugin.

site_name: the test document
    name: topdf

write markdown

write your document

convert with paged.js

$ pagedjs-cli --outline-tags h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 site/your/document.html
     -o document.pdf  # 1-line

About PDF output

  • paged.js render the PDF with portable chrome and pupetter
    please watch out the difference of rendering results among
    them engine and your browser.
  • wkhtmltopdf render the PDF with webkit (old)
    and stable release (0.12.5) can not generate TOC with its limitation.
    wkhtmltopdf is more convinient to install, but
    I can't resolve the TOC problem and switched to paged.js


a sample output of PDF

screenshot in pdf viewer

About scripts and styles

please see the report sample




{: .before-dl-table .table2-8 }

version : desc

0.4.0 : append CSS-counters for figures and tables.

0.3.0 : append theme to the package name

0.2.7 : TOC and styles

0.2.6 : append explanation for paged.js TOC and styles

0.2.5 : append explanation for paged.js styles

0.2.4 : append explanation for paged.js styles

0.2.3 : append slash line to the no-stamp cells.

0.2.2 : append screenshot

0.2.1 : append explanation for dl-dt-dd tables

0.2.0 : start to edit/ 3stamps

0.1.2 : start to use paged.js

0.1.1 : start to use mkhtmltopdf

0.1.0 : append dl-dt-dd tables

0.0.6 : start to edit


If you are feel to nice for this software, please donation to my

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  • or Ether | 0xd7Dc5cd13BD7636664D6bf0Ee8424CFaF6b2FA8f | .