
Library to convert those MongoDB queries to something else, like a python expresion, a function or a Django Q object tree to be used with a ORM query.

mongo, mongodb, django, orm, query, conversion, converter
pip install mongoql-conv==0.0.1



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Library to convert those MongoDB queries to something else, like a python expresion, a function or a Django Q object tree to be used with a ORM query.

For now, only supports flat operations. No subdocuments. It might work but results are undefined/buggy. Could be fixed though ...

  • Free software: BSD license


pip install mongoql-conv


pip install mongoql-conv[django]



>>> from mongoql_conv import to_string

>>> to_string({"myfield": 1})
"row['myfield'] == 1"

>>> to_string({})

>>> set(to_string({"field1": 1, "field2": 2}).split(' and ')) == {"(row['field2'] == 2)", "(row['field1'] == 1)"}

>>> to_string({"myfield": 1}, object_name='item')
"item['myfield'] == 1"

>>> to_string({"myfield": {"$in": [1, 2]}})
"row['myfield'] in {1, 2}"

>>> to_string({"myfield": {"$in": {1: 2}}})
Traceback (most recent call last):
mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part {1: 2}. Expected one of: set, list, tuple, frozenset.

>>> to_string({"myfield": {"$and": []}})

to_string: Supported operators

to_string: Supported operators: Arithmetic

  • $gt:

    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$gt": 1}})
    "row['myfield'] > 1"
    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$gt": [1]}})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part [1]. Expected one of: int, ...float, str, ...bool, None.
  • $gte:

    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$gte": 1}})
    "row['myfield'] >= 1"
  • $lt:

    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$lt": 1}})
    "row['myfield'] < 1"
  • $lte:

    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$lte": 1}})
    "row['myfield'] <= 1"
  • $eq:

    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$eq": 1}})
    "row['myfield'] == 1"
    >>> to_string({"myfield": 1})
    "row['myfield'] == 1"
  • $ne:

    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$ne": 1}})
    "row['myfield'] != 1"
  • $mod:

    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$mod": [2, 1]}})
    "row['myfield'] % 2 == 1"
    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$mod": [2, 1, 3]}})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part [2, 1, 3]. You must have two items: divisor and remainder.
    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$mod": 2}})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 2. Expected one of: list, tuple.
    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$mod": (2, 1)}})
    "row['myfield'] % 2 == 1"

to_string: Supported operators: Containers

  • $in:

    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$in": (1, 2, 3)}})
    "row['myfield'] in {1, 2, 3}"
  • $nin:

    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$nin": [1, 2, 3]}})
    "row['myfield'] not in {1, 2, 3}"
    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$nin": {1: 2}}})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part {1: 2}. Expected one of: set, list, tuple, frozenset.
  • $size:

    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$size": 3}})
    "len(row['myfield']) == 3"
    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$size": "3"}})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part '3'. Expected one of: int...
  • $all:

    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$all": [1, 2, 3]}})
    "set(row['myfield']) >= {1, 2, 3}"
    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$all": 1}})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 1. Expected one of: set, list, tuple, frozenset.
  • $exists:

    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$exists": True}})
    "'myfield' in row"
    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$exists": False}})
    "'myfield' not in row"

to_string: Supported operators: Boolean operators

  • $or:

    >>> to_string({'$or':  [{"bubu": {"$gt": 1}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}]})
    "(row['bubu'] > 1) or (row['bubu'] < 2)"
    >>> to_string({'$or': "invalid value"})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 'invalid value'. Expected one of: list, tuple.
  • $and:

    >>> to_string({'$and':  [{"bubu": {"$gt": 1}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}]})
    "(row['bubu'] > 1) and (row['bubu'] < 2)"
    >>> to_string({'$or': "invalid value"})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 'invalid value'. Expected one of: list, tuple.
  • $*nesting*:

    >>> to_string({'$and': [
    ...     {"bubu": {"$gt": 1}},
    ...     {'$or': [
    ...         {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}},
    ...         {'$and': [
    ...             {'bubu': {'$lt': 3}},
    ...             {'bubu': {'$lt': 4}},
    ...         ]}
    ...     ]}
    ... ]})
    "(row['bubu'] > 1) and ((row['bubu'] < 2) or ((row['bubu'] < 3) and (row['bubu'] < 4)))"

to_string: Supported operators: Regular expressions

  • $regex:

    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a'}})
    "'a', row['myfield'], 0)"
    >>> to_string({"bubu": {"$regex": ".*x"}}, object_name='X')
    "'.*x', X['bubu'], 0)"
    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a', "$options": 'i'}})
    "'a', row['myfield'], ...2...)"
    >>> closure = {}
    >>> to_string({"bubu": {"$regex": ".*x"}}, closure=closure), closure
    ("['bubu'])", {'var0': "re.compile('.*x', 0)"})
    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$regex": 'junk('}})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid regular expression 'junk(':...
    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a', 'junk': 'junk'}})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part "'junk'". You can only have `$options` with `$regex`.
    >>> set(to_string({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a', '$nin': ['aaa']}}).split(' and ')) == {
    ...     "('a', row['myfield'], 0))",
    ...     "(row['myfield'] not in {'aaa'})"
    ... }
    >>> to_string({"bubu": {"$regex": ".*", "$options": "junk"}})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 'junk'. Unsupported regex option 'j'. Only s, x, m, i are supported !
    >>> to_string({"bubu": {"$options": "i"}})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part {'$options': 'i'}. Cannot have $options without $regex.

to_string (lax mode)

to_string (lax mode): Supported operators: Containers

  • $all:

    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$all": [1, 2, 3]}}, lax=True)
    "set(row.get('myfield', LaxNone)) >= {1, 2, 3}"
    >>> to_string({"myfield": {"$all": 1}})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 1. Expected one of: set, list, tuple, frozenset.


>>> from mongoql_conv import to_func

>>> to_func({"myfield": 1}).source
"lambda item: (item['myfield'] == 1) # compiled from {'myfield': 1}"

>>> to_func({}).source
'lambda item: (True) # compiled from {}'

>>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": 1}), [{"myfield": 1}, {"myfield": 2}]))
[{'myfield': 1}]

>>> list(filter(to_func({}), [{"myfield": 1}, {"myfield": 2}]))
[{'myfield': 1}, {'myfield': 2}]

>>> to_func({"myfield": {"$in": [1, 2]}}).source
"lambda item, var0={1, 2}: (item['myfield'] in var0) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$in': [1, 2]}}"

>>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$in": [1, 2]}}), [{"myfield": 1}, {"myfield": 2}]))
[{'myfield': 1}, {'myfield': 2}]

>>> to_func({"myfield": {"$in": {1: 2}}}).source
Traceback (most recent call last):
mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part {1: 2}. Expected one of: set, list, tuple, frozenset.

>>> to_func({"myfield": {"$and": []}}).source
"lambda item: (True) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$and': []}}"

>>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$and": []}}), [{"myfield": 1}, {"myfield": 2}]))
[{'myfield': 1}, {'myfield': 2}]

to_func: Supported operators

to_func: Supported operators: Arithmetic

  • $gt:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$gt": 1}}).source
    "lambda item: (item['myfield'] > 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$gt': 1}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$gt": [1]}}).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part [1]. Expected one of: int,...float, str,...bool, None.
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$gt": 1}}), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
    [{'myfield': 2}, {'myfield': 3}, {'myfield': 4}]
  • $gte:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$gte": 1}}).source
    "lambda item: (item['myfield'] >= 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$gte': 1}}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$gte": 2}}), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
    [{'myfield': 2}, {'myfield': 3}, {'myfield': 4}]
  • $lt:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$lt": 1}}).source
    "lambda item: (item['myfield'] < 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$lt': 1}}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$lt": 1}}), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
    [{'myfield': 0}]
  • $lte:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$lte": 1}}).source
    "lambda item: (item['myfield'] <= 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$lte': 1}}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$lte": 1}}), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
    [{'myfield': 0}, {'myfield': 1}]
  • $eq:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$eq": 1}}).source
    "lambda item: (item['myfield'] == 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$eq': 1}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": 1}).source
    "lambda item: (item['myfield'] == 1) # compiled from {'myfield': 1}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$eq": 2}}), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
    [{'myfield': 2}]
  • $ne:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$ne": 1}}).source
    "lambda item: (item['myfield'] != 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$ne': 1}}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$ne": 2}}), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
    [{'myfield': 0}, {'myfield': 1}, {'myfield': 3}, {'myfield': 4}]
  • $mod:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$mod": [2, 1]}}).source
    "lambda item: (item['myfield'] % 2 == 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$mod': [2, 1]}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$mod": [2, 1, 3]}}).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part [2, 1, 3]. You must have two items: divisor and remainder.
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$mod": 2}}).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 2. Expected one of: list, tuple.
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$mod": (2, 1)}}).source
    "lambda item: (item['myfield'] % 2 == 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$mod': (2, 1)}}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$mod": (2, 1)}}), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
    [{'myfield': 1}, {'myfield': 3}]

to_func: Supported operators: Containers

  • $in:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$in": (1, 2, 3)}}).source
    "lambda item, var0={1, 2, 3}: (item['myfield'] in var0) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$in': (1, 2, 3)}}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$in": (1, 2, 3)}}), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
    [{'myfield': 1}, {'myfield': 2}, {'myfield': 3}]
  • $nin:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$nin": [1, 2, 3]}}).source
    "lambda item, var0={1, 2, 3}: (item['myfield'] not in var0) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$nin': [1, 2, 3]}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$nin": {1: 2}}}).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part {1: 2}. Expected one of: set, list, tuple, frozenset.
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$nin": (1, 2, 3)}}), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
    [{'myfield': 0}, {'myfield': 4}]
  • $size:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$size": 3}}).source
    "lambda item: (len(item['myfield']) == 3) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$size': 3}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$size": "3"}}).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part '3'. Expected one of: int...
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$size": 3}}), [{"myfield": 'x'*i} for i in range(5)]))
    [{'myfield': 'xxx'}]
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$size": 3}}), [{"myfield": list(range(i))} for i in range(5)]))
    [{'myfield': [0, 1, 2]}]
  • $all:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$all": [1, 2, 3]}}).source
    "lambda item, var0={1, 2, 3}: (set(item['myfield']) >= var0) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$all': [1, 2, 3]}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$all": 1}}).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 1. Expected one of: set, list, tuple, frozenset.
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$all": [3, 4]}}), [{"myfield": list(range(i))} for i in range(7)]))
    [{'myfield': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}, {'myfield': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}]
  • $exists:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$exists": True}}).source
    "lambda item: ('myfield' in item) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$exists': True}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$exists": False}}).source
    "lambda item: ('myfield' not in item) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$exists': False}}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"$or": [{"field1": {"$exists": True}}, {"field2": {"$exists": False}}]}), [{"field%s" % i: i} for i in range(5)]))
    [{'field0': 0}, {'field1': 1}, {'field3': 3}, {'field4': 4}]

to_func: Supported operators: Boolean operators

  • $or:

    >>> to_func({'$or':  [{"bubu": {"$gt": 1}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}]}).source
    "lambda item: ((item['bubu'] > 1) or (item['bubu'] < 2)) # compiled from {'$or': [{'bubu': {'$gt': 1}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}]}"
    >>> to_func({'$or': "invalid value"}).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 'invalid value'. Expected one of: list, tuple.
    >>> list(filter(to_func({'$or': [{"bubu": {"$gt": 3}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}]}), [{"bubu": i} for i in range(5)]))
    [{'bubu': 0}, {'bubu': 1}, {'bubu': 4}]
  • $and:

    >>> to_func({'$and': [{"bubu": {"$gt": 1}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}]}).source
    "lambda item: ((item['bubu'] > 1) and (item['bubu'] < 2)) # compiled from {'$and': [{'bubu': {'$gt': 1}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}]}"
    >>> to_func({'$or': "invalid value"}).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 'invalid value'. Expected one of: list, tuple.
    >>> list(filter(to_func({'$and': [{"bubu": {"$lt": 3}}, {'bubu': {'$gt': 1}}]}), [{"bubu": i} for i in range(5)]))
    [{'bubu': 2}]
  • $*nesting*:

    >>> to_func({'$and': [
    ...     {"bubu": {"$gt": 1}},
    ...     {'$or': [
    ...         {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}},
    ...         {'$and': [
    ...             {'bubu': {'$lt': 3}},
    ...             {'bubu': {'$lt': 4}},
    ...         ]}
    ...     ]}
    ... ]}).source
    "lambda item: ((item['bubu'] > 1) and ((item['bubu'] < 2) or ((item['bubu'] < 3) and (item['bubu'] < 4)))) # compiled from {'$and': [{'bubu': {'$gt': 1}}, {'$or': [{'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}, {'$and': [{'bubu': {'$lt': 3}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 4}}]}]}]}"

to_func: Supported operators: Regular expressions

  • $regex:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a'}}).source
    "lambda item, var0=re.compile('a', 0): (['myfield'])) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$regex': 'a'}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a', "$options": 'i'}}).source
    "lambda item, var0=re.compile('a', 2): (['myfield'])) # compiled from {'myfield': {...}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": 'junk('}}).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid regular expression 'junk(':...
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a', 'junk': 'junk'}}).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part "'junk'". You can only have `$options` with `$regex`.
    >>> import re
    >>> set(re.match(r'(.*): \((.*) and (.*)\)',
    ...     to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a', '$nin': ['aaa']}}, use_arguments=False).source
    ... ).groups()) == {
    ...     'lambda item',
    ...     "(item['myfield'] not in {'aaa'})",
    ...     "('a', item['myfield'], 0))"
    ... }
    >>> to_func({"bubu": {"$regex": ".*", "$options": "junk"}}).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 'junk'. Unsupported regex option 'j'. Only s, x, m, i are supported !
    >>> to_func({"bubu": {"$options": "i"}}).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part {'$options': 'i'}. Cannot have $options without $regex.
    >>> import string
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": '[a-c]', "$options": 'i'}}), [{"myfield": i} for i in string.ascii_letters]))
    [{'myfield': 'a'}, {'myfield': 'b'}, {'myfield': 'c'}, {'myfield': 'A'}, {'myfield': 'B'}, {'myfield': 'C'}]
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": '[a-c]', "$nin": ['c']}}), [{"myfield": i} for i in string.ascii_letters]))
    [{'myfield': 'a'}, {'myfield': 'b'}]
    >>> total = len(string.ascii_letters)
    >>> 2 * len(list(filter(
    ...     to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": '[a-z]'}}),
    ...     [{"myfield": i} for i in string.ascii_letters]
    ... ))) == total
    >>> len(list(filter(
    ...     to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": '[a-z]', '$options': 'i'}}),
    ...     [{"myfield": i} for i in string.ascii_letters]
    ... ))) == total
    >>> len(list(filter(
    ...     to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": '[^\d]'}}),
    ...     [{"myfield": i} for i in string.ascii_letters]
    ... ))) == total

to_func (lax mode)


Lax mode allows testing against missing fields.

>>> from mongoql_conv import LaxNone
>>> LaxNone < 1, LaxNone > 1, LaxNone == 0, LaxNone < 0, LaxNone > 0
(False, False, False, False, False)

>>> from mongoql_conv import to_func

>>> to_func({"myfield": 1}, lax=True).source
"lambda item: (item.get('myfield', LaxNone) == 1) # compiled from {'myfield': 1}"

>>> to_func({}, lax=True).source
'lambda item: (True) # compiled from {}'

>>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": 1}, lax=True), [{"myfield": 1}, {"myfield": 2}]))

>>> list(filter(to_func({}, lax=True), [{"myfield": 1}, {"myfield": 2}]))
[{'myfield': 1}, {'myfield': 2}]

>>> to_func({"myfield": {"$in": [1, 2]}}, lax=True).source
"lambda item, var0={1, 2}: ('myfield' in item and item.get('myfield', LaxNone) in var0) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$in': [1, 2]}}"

>>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$in": [1, 2]}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": 1}, {"myfield": 2}]))

>>> to_func({"myfield": {"$in": {1: 2}}}, lax=True).source
Traceback (most recent call last):
mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part {1: 2}. Expected one of: set, list, tuple, frozenset.

>>> to_func({"myfield": {"$and": []}}, lax=True).source
"lambda item: (True) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$and': []}}"

>>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$and": []}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": 1}, {"myfield": 2}]))
[{'myfield': 1}, {'myfield': 2}]

to_func (lax mode): Supported operators

to_func (lax mode): Supported operators: Arithmetic

  • $gt:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$gt": 1}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: (item.get('myfield', LaxNone) > 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$gt': 1}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$gt": [1]}}, lax=True).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part [1]. Expected one of: int,...float, str,...bool, None.
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$gt": 1}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
  • $gte:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$gte": 1}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: (item.get('myfield', LaxNone) >= 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$gte': 1}}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$gte": 2}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
  • $lt:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$lt": 1}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: (item.get('myfield', LaxNone) < 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$lt': 1}}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$lt": 1}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
  • $lte:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$lte": 1}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: (item.get('myfield', LaxNone) <= 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$lte': 1}}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$lte": 1}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
  • $eq:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$eq": 1}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: (item.get('myfield', LaxNone) == 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$eq': 1}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": 1}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: (item.get('myfield', LaxNone) == 1) # compiled from {'myfield': 1}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$eq": 2}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
  • $ne:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$ne": 1}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: (item.get('myfield', LaxNone) != 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$ne': 1}}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$ne": 2}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
  • $mod:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$mod": [2, 1]}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: (item.get('myfield', LaxNone) % 2 == 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$mod': [2, 1]}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$mod": [2, 1, 3]}}, lax=True).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part [2, 1, 3]. You must have two items: divisor and remainder.
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$mod": 2}}, lax=True).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 2. Expected one of: list, tuple.
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$mod": (2, 1)}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: (item.get('myfield', LaxNone) % 2 == 1) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$mod': (2, 1)}}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$mod": (2, 1)}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))

to_func (lax mode): Supported operators: Containers

  • $in:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$in": (1, 2, 3)}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item, var0={1, 2, 3}: ('myfield' in item and item.get('myfield', LaxNone) in var0) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$in': (1, 2, 3)}}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$in": (1, 2, 3)}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(5)]))
  • $nin:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$nin": [1, 2, 3]}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item, var0={1, 2, 3}: ('myfield' not in item or item.get('myfield', LaxNone) not in var0) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$nin': [1, 2, 3]}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$nin": {1: 2}}}, lax=True).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part {1: 2}. Expected one of: set, list, tuple, frozenset.
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$nin": (1, 2, 3)}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": i} for i in range(3)]))
    [{'myfield': 0}, {'myfield': 1}, {'myfield': 2}]
  • $size:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$size": 3}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: (len(item.get('myfield', LaxNone)) == 3) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$size': 3}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$size": "3"}}, lax=True).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part '3'. Expected one of: int...
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$size": 3}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": 'x'*i} for i in range(5)]))
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$size": 3}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": list(range(i))} for i in range(5)]))
  • $all:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$all": [1, 2, 3]}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item, var0={1, 2, 3}: (set(item.get('myfield', LaxNone)) >= var0) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$all': [1, 2, 3]}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$all": 1}}, lax=True).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 1. Expected one of: set, list, tuple, frozenset.
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$all": [3, 4]}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": list(range(i))} for i in range(7)]))
  • $exists:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$exists": True}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: ('myfield' in item) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$exists': True}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$exists": False}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: ('myfield' not in item) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$exists': False}}"
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"$or": [{"bogus": {"$exists": True}}]}, lax=True), [{"field%s" % i: i} for i in range(5)]))

to_func (lax mode): Supported operators: Boolean operators

  • $or:

    >>> to_func({'$or':  [{"bubu": {"$gt": 1}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}]}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: ((item.get('bubu', LaxNone) > 1) or (item.get('bubu', LaxNone) < 2)) # compiled from {'$or': [{'bubu': {'$gt': 1}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}]}"
    >>> to_func({'$or': "invalid value"}, lax=True).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 'invalid value'. Expected one of: list, tuple.
    >>> list(filter(to_func({'$or': [{"bogus": {"$gt": 3}}, {'bogus': {'$lt': 2}}]}, lax=True), [{"bubu": i} for i in range(5)]))
  • $and:

    >>> to_func({'$and': [{"bubu": {"$gt": 1}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}]}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: ((item.get('bubu', LaxNone) > 1) and (item.get('bubu', LaxNone) < 2)) # compiled from {'$and': [{'bubu': {'$gt': 1}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}]}"
    >>> to_func({'$or': "invalid value"}, lax=True).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 'invalid value'. Expected one of: list, tuple.
    >>> list(filter(to_func({'$and': [{"bogus": {"$lt": 3}}, {'bogus': {'$gt': 1}}]}, lax=True), [{"bubu": i} for i in range(5)]))
  • $*nesting*:

    >>> to_func({'$and': [
    ...     {"bubu": {"$gt": 1}},
    ...     {'$or': [
    ...         {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}},
    ...         {'$and': [
    ...             {'bubu': {'$lt': 3}},
    ...             {'bubu': {'$lt': 4}},
    ...         ]}
    ...     ]}
    ... ]}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item: ((item.get('bubu', LaxNone) > 1) and ((item.get('bubu', LaxNone) < 2) or ((item.get('bubu', LaxNone) < 3) and (item.get('bubu', LaxNone) < 4)))) # compiled from {'$and': [{'bubu': {'$gt': 1}}, {'$or': [{'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}, {'$and': [{'bubu': {'$lt': 3}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 4}}]}]}]}"

to_func (lax mode): Supported operators: Regular expressions

  • $regex:

    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a'}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item, var0=re.compile('a', 0): ('myfield', ''))) # compiled from {'myfield': {'$regex': 'a'}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a', "$options": 'i'}}, lax=True).source
    "lambda item, var0=re.compile('a', 2): ('myfield', ''))) # compiled from {'myfield': {...}}"
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": 'junk('}}, lax=True).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid regular expression 'junk(':...
    >>> to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a', 'junk': 'junk'}}, lax=True).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part "'junk'". You can only have `$options` with `$regex`.
    >>> set(re.match(r'(.*): \((.*) and (.*)\)',
    ...     to_func({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a', '$nin': ['aaa']}}, lax=True, use_arguments=False).source
    ... ).groups()) == {
    ...     "lambda item",
    ...     "('a', item.get('myfield', ''), 0))",
    ...     "('myfield' not in item or item.get('myfield', LaxNone) not in {'aaa'})"
    ... }
    >>> to_func({"bubu": {"$regex": ".*", "$options": "junk"}}, lax=True).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 'junk'. Unsupported regex option 'j'. Only s, x, m, i are supported !
    >>> to_func({"bubu": {"$options": "i"}}, lax=True).source
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part {'$options': 'i'}. Cannot have $options without $regex.
    >>> import string
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$regex": '[a-c]', "$options": 'i'}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": i} for i in string.ascii_letters]))
    >>> list(filter(to_func({"bogus": {"$regex": '[a-c]', "$nin": ['c']}}, lax=True), [{"myfield": i} for i in string.ascii_letters]))
    >>> total = len(string.ascii_letters)
    >>> 2 * len(list(filter(
    ...     to_func({"bougs": {"$regex": '[a-z]'}}, lax=True),
    ...     [{"myfield": i} for i in string.ascii_letters]
    ... ))) == 0
    >>> len(list(filter(
    ...     to_func({"bogus": {"$regex": '[a-z]', '$options': 'i'}}, lax=True),
    ...     [{"myfield": i} for i in string.ascii_letters]
    ... ))) == 0
    >>> len(list(filter(
    ...     to_func({"bougs": {"$regex": '[^\d]'}}, lax=True),
    ...     [{"myfield": i} for i in string.ascii_letters]
    ... ))) == 0


Compiles down to a Django Q object tree:

>>> from mongoql_conv.django import to_Q
>>> print(to_Q({"myfield": 1}))
(AND: ('myfield', 1))

>>> print(to_Q({}))
(AND: )

>>> from test_app.models import MyModel
>>> MyModel.objects.clean_and_create([(i, i) for i in range(5)])
>>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field1": 1})))
[<MyModel: field1=1, field2='1'>]

>>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field1": 1, "field2": 1})))
[<MyModel: field1=1, field2='1'>]

>>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$in": [1, 2]}}))
(AND: ('myfield__in', [1, 2]))

>>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field1": {"$in": [1, 2]}})))
[<MyModel: field1=1, field2='1'>, <MyModel: field1=2, field2='2'>]

>>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$in": {1: 2}}}))
Traceback (most recent call last):
mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part {1: 2}. Expected one of: set, list, tuple, frozenset.

>>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$and": []}}))
(AND: )

>>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field1": {"$and": []}})))
[<MyModel: field1=0, field2='0'>, <MyModel: field1=1, field2='1'>, <MyModel: field1=2, field2='2'>, <MyModel: field1=3, field2='3'>, <MyModel: field1=4, field2='4'>]

to_Q: Supported operators

to_Q: Supported operators: Arithmetic

  • $gt:

    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$gt": 1}}))
    (AND: ('myfield__gt', 1))
    >>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field1": {"$gt": 2}})))
    [<MyModel: field1=3, field2='3'>, <MyModel: field1=4, field2='4'>]
  • $gte:

    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$gte": 1}}))
    (AND: ('myfield__gte', 1))
    >>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field1": {"$gte": 2}})))
    [<MyModel: field1=2, field2='2'>, <MyModel: field1=3, field2='3'>, <MyModel: field1=4, field2='4'>]
  • $lt:

    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$lt": 1}}))
    (AND: ('myfield__lt', 1))
    >>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field1": {"$lt": 1}})))
    [<MyModel: field1=0, field2='0'>]
  • $lte:

    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$lte": 1}}))
    (AND: ('myfield__lte', 1))
    >>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field1": {"$lte": 1}})))
    [<MyModel: field1=0, field2='0'>, <MyModel: field1=1, field2='1'>]
  • $eq:

    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$eq": 1}}))
    (AND: ('myfield', 1))
    >>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field1": 1})))
    [<MyModel: field1=1, field2='1'>]
    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": 1}))
    (AND: ('myfield', 1))
    >>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field1": {"$eq": 1}})))
    [<MyModel: field1=1, field2='1'>]
  • $ne:

    >>> str(to_Q({"myfield": {"$ne": 1}})) in ["(NOT (AND: ('myfield', 1)))", "(AND: (NOT (AND: ('myfield', 1))))"]
    >>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field1": {"$ne": 1}})))
    [<MyModel: field1=0, field2='0'>, <MyModel: field1=2, field2='2'>, <MyModel: field1=3, field2='3'>, <MyModel: field1=4, field2='4'>]
  • $mod:

    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$mod": [2, 1]}}))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: DjangoVisitor doesn't support operator '$mod'

to_Q: Supported operators: Containers

  • $in:

    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$in": (1, 2, 3)}}))
    (AND: ('myfield__in', (1, 2, 3)))
    >>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field1": {"$in": (1, 2)}})))
    [<MyModel: field1=1, field2='1'>, <MyModel: field1=2, field2='2'>]
  • $nin:

    >>> str(to_Q({"myfield": {"$nin": [1, 2, 3]}})) in ["(NOT (AND: ('myfield__in', [1, 2, 3])))", "(AND: (NOT (AND: ('myfield__in', [1, 2, 3]))))"]
    >>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field1": {"$nin": (1, 2)}})))
    [<MyModel: field1=0, field2='0'>, <MyModel: field1=3, field2='3'>, <MyModel: field1=4, field2='4'>]
  • $size:

    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$size": 3}}))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: DjangoVisitor doesn't support operator '$size'
  • $all:

    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$all": [1, 2, 3]}}))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: DjangoVisitor doesn't support operator '$all'
  • $exists:

    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$exists": True}}))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: DjangoVisitor doesn't support operator '$exists'

to_Q: Supported operators: Boolean operators

  • $or:

    >>> print(to_Q({'$or':  [{"bubu": {"$gt": 1}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}]}))
    (OR: ('bubu__gt', 1), ('bubu__lt', 2))
    >>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({'$or': [{"field1": {"$gt": 3}}, {'field1': {'$lt': 2}}]})))
    [<MyModel: field1=0, field2='0'>, <MyModel: field1=1, field2='1'>, <MyModel: field1=4, field2='4'>]
  • $and:

    >>> print(to_Q({'$and':  [{"bubu": {"$gt": 1}}, {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}}]}))
    (AND: ('bubu__gt', 1), ('bubu__lt', 2))
    >>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({'$and': [{"field1": {"$gt": 1}}, {'field1': {'$lt': 3}}]})))
    [<MyModel: field1=2, field2='2'>]
  • $*nesting*:

    >>> print(to_Q({'$and': [
    ...     {"bubu": {"$gt": 1}},
    ...     {'$or': [
    ...         {'bubu': {'$lt': 2}},
    ...         {'$and': [
    ...             {'bubu': {'$lt': 3}},
    ...             {'bubu': {'$lt': 4}},
    ...         ]}
    ...     ]}
    ... ]}))
    (AND: ('bubu__gt', 1), (OR: ('bubu__lt', 2), (AND: ('bubu__lt', 3), ('bubu__lt', 4))))
    >>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({'$and': [
    ...     {"field1": {"$gt": 1}},
    ...     {'$or': [
    ...         {'field2': {'$lt': 2}},
    ...         {'$and': [
    ...             {'field2': {'$lt': 5}},
    ...             {'field2': {'$gt': 2}},
    ...         ]}
    ...     ]}
    ... ]})))
    [<MyModel: field1=3, field2='3'>, <MyModel: field1=4, field2='4'>]

to_Q: Supported operators: Regular expressions

  • $regex:

    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a'}}))
    (AND: ('myfield__regex', 'a'))
    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a', "$options": 'i'}}))
    (AND: ('myfield__iregex', 'a'))
    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$regex": 'junk('}}))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid regular expression 'junk(':...
    >>> print(to_Q({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a', 'junk': 'junk'}}))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part "'junk'". You can only have `$options` with `$regex`.
    >>> "('myfield__regex', 'a')" in str(to_Q({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a', '$nin': ['aaa']}}))
    >>> "(NOT (AND: ('myfield__in', ['aaa'])))" in str(to_Q({"myfield": {"$regex": 'a', '$nin': ['aaa']}}))
    >>> print(to_Q({"bubu": {"$regex": ".*", "$options": "mxs"}}))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part 'mxs'. Unsupported regex option 'm'. Only i are supported !
    >>> print(to_Q({"bubu": {"$options": "i"}}))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: Invalid query part {'$options': 'i'}. Cannot have $options without $regex.
    >>> MyModel.objects.clean_and_create([(None, "prefix__"+i) for i in string.ascii_letters])
    >>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field2": {"$regex": '[a-b]', "$options": 'i'}})))
    [<MyModel: field1=None, field2='prefix__a'>, <MyModel: field1=None, field2='prefix__b'>, <MyModel: field1=None, field2='prefix__A'>, <MyModel: field1=None, field2='prefix__B'>]
    >>> list(MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field2": {"$regex": '[a-c]', "$nin": ['prefix__c']}})))
    [<MyModel: field1=None, field2='prefix__a'>, <MyModel: field1=None, field2='prefix__b'>]
    >>> total = MyModel.objects.count()
    >>> total == 2 * MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field2": {"$regex": '__[a-z]'}})).count()
    >>> total == MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field2": {"$regex": '__[a-z]', '$options': 'i'}})).count()
    >>> total == MyModel.objects.filter(to_Q({"field2": {"$regex": '[^\d]'}})).count()

Extending (implementing a custom visitor)

There are few requirements for a visitor. Fist, you need to be able to render boolean $and:

>>> from mongoql_conv import BaseVisitor
>>> class MyVisitor(BaseVisitor):
...     def __init__(self, object_name):
...         self.object_name = object_name
...     def visit_foobar(self, value, field_name, context):
...         return "foobar(%s[%r], %r)" % (self.object_name, field_name, value)
...     def validate_foobar(self, value, field_name, context):
...         return value
>>> MyVisitor('obj').visit({'field': {'$foobar': 'test'}})
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class MyVisitor with abstract methods render_and

This is the minimal code to have a custom generator:

>>> class MyVisitor(BaseVisitor):
...     def __init__(self, object_name):
...         self.object_name = object_name
...     def visit_foobar(self, value, field_name, context):
...         return "foobar(%s[%r], %r)" % (self.object_name, field_name, value)
...     def render_and(self, parts, field_name, context):
...         return ' & '.join(parts)
...     def validate_foobar(self, value, field_name, context):
...         return value
>>> MyVisitor('obj').visit({'field': {'$foobar': 'test'}})
"foobar(obj['field'], 'test')"

Ofcourse, it won't do much:

>>> MyVisitor('obj').visit({'field': {'$ne': 'test'}})
Traceback (most recent call last):
mongoql_conv.InvalidQuery: MyVisitor doesn't support operator '$ne'

Take a look at ExprVisitor too see all the methods you should implement.

Note that the validate method is optional but if you don't implement it you'll get a warning:

>>> import warnings
>>> class MyVisitor(BaseVisitor):
...     def __init__(self, object_name):
...         self.object_name = object_name
...     def visit_foobar(self, value, field_name, context):
...         return "foobar(%s[%r], %r)" % (self.object_name, field_name, value)
...     def render_and(self, parts, field_name, context):
...         return ' & '.join(parts)
>>> with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
...     MyVisitor('obj').visit({'field': {'$foobar': 'test'}})
"foobar(obj['field'], 'test')"
>>> len(w)
>>> w[0].message
UserWarning('Missing validator validate_foobar in MyVisitor',)