
Tool for finding degenerate motifs in FASTA files

degenerate, sequence, motif, site, search
pip install motif-scraper==1.0.2


Build Status

Motif Scraper

Pythonic tool to search for degenerate motif matches in FASTA sequence files.


Motif scraper is available via pip or GitHub download. We HIGHLY recommend installing in a Python virtual environment.

pip install motif_scraper

Or user install

pip install --user motif_scraper

Or install from GitHub clone.

git clone
git checkout vN.N.N # Choose highest version tag instead of vN.N.N

pip install -e .

Testing local install

The installation can be quickly checked for proper installation in a Linux-like environment that has wget. If necessary, first switch to the appropriate virtual environment. The following code snippet will download a test FASTA file containing only human contig KI270394.1 from the GRCh38 human genome build and search a simple exact motif.

motif_scraper --motif TTTGCA --outputFile test.csv KI270394.fa

The logging for the tool should list that 3 sites were found. You can confirm them with:

cat test.csv

which should display the following:



Find all sites for the CTCF motif NNDCCACYAGRKGGCASYR in GRCh38.

motif_scraper --motif NNDCCACYAGRKGGCASYR --outputFile ctcf_sites.csv --search_strand=both GRCh38.fa

Find CTCF sites on chromosome 1 only.

motif_scraper -r chr1 --motif NNDCCACYAGRKGGCASYR --outputFile ctcf_sites.csv --search_strand=both GRCh38.fa

Find CTCF sites only from position 10,000 to position 10,000,000 on chromosome 1.

motif_scraper -r chr1:10000-10000000 --motif NNDCCACYAGRKGGCASYR --outputFile ctcf_sites.csv --search_strand=both GRCh38.fa

Find CTCF match sites only on the top strand, using 10 processors.

motif_scraper --cores 10 --motif NNDCCACYAGRKGGCASYR --outputFile ctcf_sites.csv --search_strand=+1 GRCh38.fa

Search an Ensembl download of all protein coding transcript 3' UTRs for hsa-miR-10a sites on minus strand.

motif_scraper --cores 10 --motif TACCCTGTAGATCCGAATTTGTG --outputFile mir10a_sites.csv --search_strand=-1 GRCh38_3pUTRs.fa

Search an Ensembl download of all protein coding transcript 3' UTRs for hsa-miR-10a sites on minus strand, again. But this time print output to temporary file per contig / strand. Combines and removes the temporary files last. Produces identical md5 sum to memory buffering all sites first, but works on low memory machines.

motif_scraper --file_buffer --cores 10 --motif TACCCTGTAGATCCGAATTTGTG --outputFile mir10a_sites.csv --search_strand=-1 GRCh38_3pUTRs.fa

Get debugging messages to troubleshoot code problems.

motif_scraper --loglevel DEBUG --cores 10 --motif TACCCTGTAGATCCGAATTTGTG --outputFile mir10a_sites.csv --search_strand=-1 GRCh38_3pUTRs.fa

Search for all motifs contained in a file.

motif_scraper --motif_file many_motifs.txt --outputFile many_motif_sites.csv GRCh38.fa

Directly input a valid regular expression instead of a sequence motif

motif_scraper --motif N{19}CTR{3} --valid_regex GRCh38.fa