
PytHon utility for Organizing tasks

pip install mpho==0.3.0


pho - PytHon utility for Organizing tasks

Or just "Phở", a Vietnamese soup - the most delicious food in the world.

pho helps creating a shell script associates to a task.

It provides an easily way to run/edit that script to automate the repeat jobs, or adding comment to that script as work dairy.


By using pip:

pip install mpho # the name ``pho`` is taken already, sad :(


User works on task t1235, he creates a task (script):

pho create t1235

When doing task t1235, user needs to run a command repeatedly, he can edit the script by:

pho edit t1235 # open shell script in editor set in $EDITOR

To run that script, just use:

pho run t1235

To mark a task as done:

pho done t1235

Or return it to undone:

pho undone t1235

To list all tasks:

pho list
pho list --all # to list also done tasks

Showing specific script of task:

pho show t1235

Appending a comment to script file:

pho comment t1235 'http://a_link_that_help'

Deleting a task (you should not do this, but you can):

pho delete t1235


Viet Hung Nguyen <>