micropython mpy-cross distribution

pip install mpy-cross==1.22.2



mpy-cross is the micropython cross compiler utility, used to pre-compile python files into bytecode suitable for running on your target.

This project compiles mpy-cross for windows, linux and macos and distributes them in python wheels for easy installation on development pc's.


The release version of this package directly corresponds to the micropython release it's built against.

If a wrapper update is needed for a particular release version, it will be updloaded with a .postN version

Weekly releases build against master should be available at: https://gitlab.com/alelec/mpy_cross/pipelines These will have version numbers that reflect the previous release and the current git hash built against.


mpy-cross can be run in three different ways

  • From python command line

    python -m mpy_cross <args>
    python -m mpy_cross --version
  • From python code

    import mpy_cross
    mpy_cross.run(*args, **kwargs)
    import subprocess
    proc = mpy_cross.run('--version', stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
where *args are arguments passed to mpy-cross, **kwargs are arguments to pass to subprocess.Popen() internally
  • Standalone

    # Print out path to actual mpy-cross exe
    python -c "import mpy_cross; print(mpy_cross.mpy_cross)"
    > /home/andrew/.local/share/virtualenvs/mpy_cross-gSGkki0d/lib/python3.5/site-packages/mpy_cross/mpy-cross
    /home/corona/.local/share/virtualenvs/mpy_cross-gSGkki0d/lib/python3.5/site-packages/mpy_cross/mpy-cross --version