
Chunk-based, multiprocess processing of iterables.

multiprocess, multiprocessing, pickle, pickling, chunks, map
pip install multiprocess-chunks==1.0.0



Chunk-based, multiprocess processing of iterables. Uses the multiprocess package to perform the multiprocessization. Uses the cloudpickle to pickle hard-to-pickle objects.

Why is this useful?

When using the built-in Python method the items being iterated are individually pickled. This can lead to a lot of pickling which can negatively affect performance. This is particularly true, and not necessarily obvious, if extra data is passed into the f function via a lambda. For example:

from multiprocessing import Pool
d = {...} # a large dict of some sort x: x + d[x], [1, 2, 3, ...])

In this case both x and d are pickled, individually, for every item in [1, 2, 3, ...].

The methods in this package divide the [1, 2, 3, ...] list into chunks and pickle each chunk and d a small number of times.


pip install multiprocess-chunks


There are two methods to choose from: map_list_as_chunks and map_list_in_chunks.


This method divides the iterable that is passed to it into chunks. The chunks are then processed in multiprocess. It returns the mapped chunks.

Parameters: def map_list_as_chunks(l, f, extra_data, cpus=None, max_chunk_size=None)

  • l: The iterable to process in multiprocess.
  • f: The function that processes each chunk. It takes two parameters: - chunk, extra_data
  • extra_data: Data that is passed into f for each chunk.
  • cpus: The number of CPUs to use. If None the number of cores on the system will be used. This value decides how many chunks to create.
  • max_chunk_size: Limits the chunk size.


from multiprocess_chunks import map_list_as_chunks

l = range(0, 10)
f = lambda chunk, ed: [c * ed for c in chunk]
result = map_list_as_chunks(l, f, 5, 2)
# result = [ [0, 5, 10, 15, 20], [25, 30, 35, 40, 45] ]


This method divides the iterable that is passed to it into chunks. The chunks are then processed in multiprocess. It unwinds the processed chunks to return the processed items.

Parameters: def map_list_in_chunks(l, f, extra_data)

  • l: The iterable to process in multiprocess.
  • f: The function that processes each chunk. It takes two parameters: item, extra_data
  • extra_data: Data that is passed into f for each chunk.


from multiprocess_chunks import map_list_in_chunks

l = range(0, 10)
f = lambda item, ed: item * ed
result = map_list_in_chunks(l, f, 5)
# result = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20 25, 30, 35, 40, 45]

Essentially, map_list_in_chunks gives the same output as but, behind the scenes, it is chunking and being efficient about pickling.

A note on pickling

This package uses the pathos package to perform the multiprocessization and the cloudpickle package to perform pickling. This allows it to pickle objects that Python's built-in multiprocessing cannot.


How much better will your code perform? There are many factors at play here. The only way to know is to do your own timings.