
Simple assertion library with verbose error messages

pip install my-assert==0.0.3


my assert

Simple python assertion library with verbose output.

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my assert is a simple assertion library designed to give your assertion statements a more user friendly output.

It currently accommodates two main implementations:

Inheriting from the AllAssertions class

You can superclass the AllAssertions class to provide direct access to the assertion statements through self.

from myassert import AllAssertions

class MyNewClass(AllAssertions):

    def my_function(foo, bar):
        self.assert_equal(foo, bar)

All methods inside AllAssertions are static, so it requires no initialisation.

Importing the function directly

You can also import the functions directly:

from myassert.assertions import assert_equal

def my_function(foo, bar):
    assert_equal(foo, bar)