
This package provides some basic tools to analyze the health data in a CSV file downloaded from Apple Health.

pip install myFitness==0.3


myfitness: Tools to Analyze Apple Health Data

Build_Stamp Build Status

The Apple Health Fitness Tracker was a collaborative project by Liza Wood and Levannia Lildhar.

The myfitness package provides some basic tools to analyze the health data in a csv file downloaded from Apple Health. These tools could be used to analyze and compare the data from multiple people.


  • contains two modules
    1. data - contains the name, age and gender of the person (the "superclass") and a method to read in the csv health data file using pandas
    2. chart - uses pygal to provide an interactive bar chart to the user


  • contains two modules
    1. table - returns a summarized dataframe of average steps per month
    2. maxmin- contains functions to calculate the maximum and minimum number of steps

Package Structure

myfitness --> package

  • healthdata --> sub-package

    • data --> module
    • chart -->module
  • summary --> sub-package

    • table --> module
    • maxmin --> module

Package Details

The package functions of myfitness are described below. The use of the package is also demonstrated in the test file included in this repositry.


This subpackage provides users a method of importing data as well as viewing the data interactively.

Detailed descriptions of the data module in the healthdata subpackage is shown below:

Class/Function Description Parameters Return
Person Create an object of class Person() to be used in further analysis. The 'display' function displays the name, age and gender of a Person() object name, age, gender An object of class Person with name, age and gender attributes
healthdata Create a object of class healthdata() this inherits from the superclass Person() name, age, gender, file (downloaded from Apple Health, as CSV) Display of healthdata object attributes name, age, gender and dataframe containing healthdata() object file

Detailed descriptions of the chart function in the healthdata subpackage is shown below:

Function Description Parameters Return
chart Creates an interactive bar graph using pygal columnX as list of strings, columnY as list of values, xlabel as string, ylabel as string, filename .svg file with xlabel, ylabel, title, and filename


This subpackage provides users with some basic statistical analysis tools to view their data extracted from Apple Health.

Detailed descriptions of the table function in the summary subpackage is shown below:

Function Description Parameters Return
table Function to summarize the average number of steps taken per month using the pandas package data: Apple Health .csv file imported as a Pandas DataFrame A Pandas dataframe, summarizing the average number of steps taken by month, indicated by the last date of the month.

Detailed descriptions of the maxMin function in the summary subpackage is shown below:

Function Description Parameters Return
getMax Find the maximum number of steps in the data and the date it was achieved. data: Pandas DataFrame containing Apple Health data imported from a CSV file. The row of values for when the maximum number of steps were achieved:Start date, Finish date,Distance(mi), Steps (count)
getMin Find the maximum number of steps in the data and the date it was achieved. data: Pandas DataFrame containing Apple Health data imported from a CSV file. The row of values for when the maximum number of steps were achieved:Start date, Finish date, Distance(mi), Steps (count)


myfitness_tests contains the necessary test suite and classes to verify that the package is working correctly. There are a total of four classes that conduct unit testing as well as the suite.

Test Suite Coverge Report Coverage Report


This package requires the following Python modules:

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • pygal
  • IPython
  • CairoSVG