
static site generator using python. inspired by jekyll with minimalistic design

jinja2, python-markdown
pip install myssg==0.1.2


This is a small tool to render personal blog

Blog generator tool


  1. make
  2. python
  3. poetry


  • I've created a tool to render from markdown file to static site by Python for my self.
  • To use this template, you need to clone the repo first. The project should have this structure:
    |_ prototypes/       # contains .md file, you will write your posts in here.
    |_ posts/            # contains all html posts file after run ./render
    |_ tags/             # contains all html tags file after run ./render
    |_ templates/        # contains jinja templates for constructing posts, tags html files
    |_ static/           # contains static file like styles or script for your pages
    |_ index.html        # home page of blog
    |_            # blog generator tool
    |_       # test all functions of blog generator tool
    |_ Makefile          # command for render html files
    |_ requirements.txt  # for create environment for github actions
    |_ poetry.lock
    |_ pyproject.toml

  • Firstly, if this is the first time you use this tool:

    • You need to fork this repo to your, then change the name of repo following this format: <your_github_username> And cloning it to your local machine: git clone
    • Then you need to create prototypes, tags and posts folder by run: make init.
  • Secondly, you need to install environment to render blog. Run: make install.

  • Then go to prototypes folder and write the your posts in .md format, edit the metadata and push them into prototypes folder. Notice that, the metadata of .md file you need to keep following these formats

title: ....
date: ....
tags: ....
name: ....
summary: ....
  • After the first time, you only need to write posts and render to html.

  • To render blog posts:

    • Run make clean to delete old html files.
    • Run make test to run test.
    • Run make run to render all html files to posts and tags folder.
  • Push to your repo, and go to https://<your_github_username> to see.

  • To read more about github pages. Read this guide

  • In addition, you can add a comment plugin your self call utterances. After that, go to templates/post.html and replace the script in {% block script %}{% endblock %} with your script.

  • You can put your information into config.yml file